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Apache(3) - phpMan

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a2disconf (8)        - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
a2dismod (8)         - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2dissite (8)        - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
a2enconf (8)         - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
a2enmod (8)          - enable or disable an apache2 module
a2ensite (8)         - enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
a2query (1)          - retrieve runtime configuration from a local Apache 2 H...
ab (1)               - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool
apache2 (8)          - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server
Apache2::Access (3pm) - A Perl API for Apache request object: Access, Authent...
Apache2::Build (3pm) - Methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source...
Apache2::CmdParms (3pm) - Perl API for Apache command parameters object
Apache2::Command (3pm) - Perl API for accessing Apache module command informa...
Apache2::compat (3pm) - - 1.0 backward compatibility functions deprecated in 2.0
Apache2::Connection (3pm) - Perl API for Apache connection object
Apache2::ConnectionUtil (3pm) - Perl API for Apache connection utils
Apache2::Const (3pm) - Perl Interface for Apache Constants
Apache2::Directive (3pm) - Perl API for manipulating the Apache configuration...
Apache2::Filter (3pm) - Perl API for Apache 2.0 Filtering
Apache2::FilterRec (3pm) - Perl API for manipulating the Apache filter record
Apache2::HookRun (3pm) - Perl API for Invoking Apache HTTP phases
Apache2::Log (3pm)   - Perl API for Apache Logging Methods
Apache2::Module (3pm) - Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules
Apache2::MPM (3pm)   - Perl API for accessing Apache MPM information
Apache2::PerlSections (3pm) - write Apache configuration files in Perl
Apache2::porting (3pm) - - a helper module for mod_perl 1.0 to mod_perl 2.0 p...
Apache2::Process (3pm) - Perl API for Apache process record
Apache2::Reload (3pm) - Reload Perl Modules when Changed on Disk
Apache2::RequestIO (3pm) - Perl API for Apache request record IO
Apache2::RequestRec (3pm) - Perl API for Apache request record accessors
Apache2::RequestUtil (3pm) - Perl API for Apache request record utils
Apache2::Resource (3pm) - Limit resources used by httpd children
Apache2::Response (3pm) - Perl API for Apache HTTP request response methods
Apache2::ServerRec (3pm) - Perl API for Apache server record accessors
Apache2::ServerUtil (3pm) - Perl API for Apache server record utils
Apache2::SizeLimit (3pm) - Because size does matter.
Apache2::Status (3pm) - Embedded interpreter status information
Apache2::SubProcess (3pm) - - Executing SubProcesses under mod_perl
Apache2::SubRequest (3pm) - Perl API for Apache subrequests
Apache2::URI (3pm)   - Perl API for manipulating URIs
Apache2::Util (3pm)  - Perl API for Misc Apache Utility functions
apache2ctl (8)       - Apache HTTP server control interface
Apache::AuthDBI (3pm) - Authentication and Authorization via Perl's DBI
Apache::DBI (3pm)    - Initiate a persistent database connection
Apache::SizeLimit::Core (3pm) - Because size does matter.
Apache::Test (3pm)   - Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
Apache::TestConfig (3pm) - - Test Configuration setup module
Apache::TestHandler (3pm) - a few response handlers and helpers
Apache::TestMB (3pm) - Subclass of Module::Build to support Apache::Test
Apache::TestMM (3pm) - Provide MakeMaker Wrapper Methods
Apache::TestReport (3pm) - A parent class for generating bug/success reports
Apache::TestRequest (3pm) - Send requests to your Apache test server
Apache::TestRun (3pm) - Run the test suite
Apache::TestRunPerl (3pm) - Run mod_perl-requiring Test Suite
Apache::TestRunPHP (3pm) - configure and run a PHP-based test suite
Apache::TestSmoke (3pm) - Special Tests Sequence Failure Finder
Apache::TestTrace (3pm) - Helper output generation functions
Apache::TestUtil (3pm) - Utility functions for writing tests
apachectl (8)        - Apache HTTP server control interface
apachetop (1)        - display real-time web server statistics
APR (3pm)            - Perl Interface for Apache Portable Runtime (libapr and...
APR::Error (3pm)     - Perl API for APR/Apache/mod_perl exceptions
Authen::Simple::Apache (3pm) - PerlAuthenHandler handler for Apache
Bundle::Apache2 (3pm) - Install Apache mod_perl2 and related modules
Bundle::ApacheTest (3pm) - A bundle to install all Apache-Test related modules
CGI::Apache (3perl)  - Backward compatibility module for CGI.pm
check_forensic (8)   - tool to extract mod_log_forensic output from apache lo...
DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache (3pm) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod...
HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler (3pm) - Mason/mod_perl interface
HTML::Mason::FakeApache (3pm) - An Apache object emulator for use with Mason
logresolve (1)       - Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
mod_perl2 (3pm)      - Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache/2.x HTTP server
rotatelogs (8)       - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
Clownfish (3pm)      - Apache Clownfish symbiotic object system.
Clownfish::CFC (3pm) - Compiler for Apache Clownfish.
Lucy (3pm)           - Apache Lucy search engine library.
Lucy::Docs::Cookbook (3pm) - Apache Lucy recipes.
Lucy::Docs::DevGuide (3pm) - Quick-start guide to hacking on Apache Lucy.
Lucy::Docs::DocIDs (3pm) - Characteristics of Apache Lucy document ids.
Lucy::Docs::Tutorial (3pm) - Step-by-step introduction to Apache Lucy.
Net::ZooKeeper (3pm) - Perl extension for Apache ZooKeeper
Software::License::Apache_1_1 (3pm) - The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
Software::License::Apache_2_0 (3pm) - The Apache License, Version 2.0

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