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OBJECT(7) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

__audit_ipc_obj (9)  - record audit data for ipc object
acpi_bus_scan (9)    - Add ACPI device node objects in a given namespace scope.
acpi_bus_trim (9)    - Detach scan handlers and drivers from ACPI device obje...
acpi_scan_drop_device (9) - Drop an ACPI device object.
Alien::Package (3pm) - an object that represents a package
Alien::Package::Deb (3pm) - an object that represents a deb package
Alien::Package::Lsb (3pm) - an object that represents a lsb package
Alien::Package::Pkg (3pm) - an object that represents a Solaris pkg package
Alien::Package::Rpm (3pm) - an object that represents a rpm package
Alien::Package::Slp (3pm) - an object that represents a slp package
Alien::Package::Tgz (3pm) - an object that represents a tgz package
ALTER_LARGE_OBJECT (7) - change the definition of a large object
ALTER_STATISTICS (7) - change the definition of an extended statistics object
Apache2::Access (3pm) - A Perl API for Apache request object: Access, Authent...
Apache2::CmdParms (3pm) - Perl API for Apache command parameters object
Apache2::Connection (3pm) - Perl API for Apache connection object
ASN1_OBJECT_free (3ssl) - object allocation functions
ASN1_OBJECT_new (3ssl) - object allocation functions
avc_add_callback (3) - additional event notification for SELinux userspace ob...
avc_compute_create (3) - obtain SELinux label for new object
avc_compute_member (3) - obtain SELinux label for new object
btrfs-property (8)   - get/set/list properties for given btrfs object.
Cache::CacheMetaData (3pm) - - data about objects in the cache
Cache::CacheSizer (3pm) - - component object for mamanging the size of caches
Cache::Object (3pm)  - - the data stored in a Cache.
Class::Container (3pm) - Glues object frameworks together transparently
Class::MOP (3pm)     - A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5
Class::MOP::Attribute (3pm) - Attribute Meta Object
Class::MOP::Class (3pm) - Class Meta Object
Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait (3pm) - Implements immutability for metac...
Class::MOP::Instance (3pm) - Instance Meta Object
Class::MOP::Method (3pm) - Method Meta Object
Class::MOP::Method::Accessor (3pm) - Method Meta Object for accessors
Class::MOP::Method::Constructor (3pm) - Method Meta Object for constructors
Class::MOP::Method::Meta (3pm) - Method Meta Object for "meta" methods
Class::MOP::Method::Overload (3pm) - Method Meta Object for methods which imp...
Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped (3pm) - Method Meta Object for methods with befor...
Class::MOP::Module (3pm) - Module Meta Object
Class::MOP::Object (3pm) - Base class for metaclasses
Class::MOP::Package (3pm) - Package Meta Object
COMMENT (7)          - define or change the comment of an object
corosync-objctl (8)  - Configure objects in the Object Database
Crypt::GPG (3pm)     - An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.
d2i_ASN1_OBJECT (3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
d2i_SSL_SESSION (3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
Date::Calc::Object (3pm) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloa...
Date::Calendar (3pm) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
Date::Calendar::Year (3pm) - Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Cal...
DateTime (3pm)       - A date and time object for Perl
DateTime::Duration (3pm) - Duration objects for date math
DateTime::Infinite (3pm) - Infinite past and future DateTime objects
DateTime::Locale::Base (3pm) - DateTime locale package for "Base" - Base clas...
DateTime::TimeZone (3pm) - Time zone object base class and factory
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly (3pm) - A DateTime::TimeZone object that just ...
DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB (3pm) - An object to represent an Olson time zone...
debug_object_activate (9) - debug checks when an object is activated
debug_object_active_state (9) - debug checks object usage state machine
debug_object_assert_init (9) - debug checks when object should be init-ed
debug_object_deactivate (9) - debug checks when an object is deactivated
debug_object_destroy (9) - debug checks when an object is destroyed
debug_object_free (9) - debug checks when an object is freed
debug_object_init (9) - debug checks when an object is initialized
debug_object_init_on_stack (9) - debug checks when an object on stack is init...
DECLARE_KFIFO (9)    - macro to declare a fifo object
DECLARE_KFIFO_PTR (9) - macro to declare a fifo pointer object
destroy_rcu_head_on_stack (9) - destroy on-stack rcu_head for debugobjects
Devel::StackTrace (3pm) - An object representing a stack trace
DH_free (3ssl)       - allocate and free DH objects
DH_new (3ssl)        - allocate and free DH objects
DirHandle (3perl)    - supply object methods for directory handles
dl_iterate_phdr (3)  - walk through list of shared objects
dma_buf_kmap (9)     - Map a page of the buffer object into kernel address sp...
dma_buf_kmap_atomic (9) - Map a page of the buffer object into kernel address...
dma_buf_vmap (9)     - Create virtual mapping for the buffer object into kern...
Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle (3) - object dealing transparently with file co...
Dpkg::Interface::Storable (3) - common methods related to object serialization
Dpkg::Vendor::Debian (3) - Debian vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Default (3) - default vendor object
Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu (3) - Ubuntu vendor object
DROP_OWNED (7)       - remove database objects owned by a database role
DSA_free (3ssl)      - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_new (3ssl)       - allocate and free DSA objects
DSA_SIG_free (3ssl)  - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DSA_SIG_new (3ssl)   - allocate and free DSA signature objects
DTLSv1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
DTLSv1_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
DTLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
duplocale (3)        - duplicate a locale object
Encode::Encoder (3perl) - - Object Oriented Encoder
Exception::Class::Base (3pm) - A base class for exception objects
ExtUtils::Constant::Base (3perl) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
fanotify_mark (2)    - add, remove, or modify an fanotify mark on a filesyste...
fence_get_rcu (9)    - get a fence from a reservation_object_list with rcu re...
File::DesktopEntry (3pm) - Object to handle .desktop files
FileHandle (3perl)   - supply object methods for filehandles
freelocale (3)       - create, modify, and free a locale object
getfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
git-bundle (1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-cat-file (1)     - Provide content or type and size information for repos...
git-commit-tree (1)  - Create a new commit object
git-count-objects (1) - Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consu...
git-diff-tree (1)    - Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two t...
git-fetch (1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-fetch-pack (1)   - Receive missing objects from another repository
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-hash-object (1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a...
git-http-push (1)    - Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository
git-ls-tree (1)      - List the contents of a tree object
git-mktag (1)        - Creates a tag object
git-mktree (1)       - Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-notes (1)        - Add or inspect object notes
git-pack-objects (1) - Create a packed archive of objects
git-prune (1)        - Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-prune-packed (1) - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-push (1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-relink (1)       - Hardlink common objects in local repositories
git-repack (1)       - Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-replace (1)      - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-rev-list (1)     - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-send-pack (1)    - Push objects over Git protocol to another repository
git-show (1)         - Show various types of objects
git-tag (1)          - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-unpack-objects (1) - Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-update-ref (1)   - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-upload-pack (1)  - Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-write-tree (1)   - Create a tree object from the current index
GnuPG::Fingerprint (3pm) - GnuPG Fingerprint Objects
GnuPG::Key (3pm)     - GnuPG Key Object
GnuPG::PrimaryKey (3pm) - GnuPG Primary Key Objects
GnuPG::PublicKey (3pm) - GnuPG Public Key Objects
GnuPG::Revoker (3pm) - GnuPG Key Revoker Objects
GnuPG::SecretKey (3pm) - GnuPG Secret Key Objects
GnuPG::Signature (3pm) - GnuPG Key Signature Objects
GnuPG::SubKey (3pm)  - GnuPG Sub Key objects
GnuPG::UserAttribute (3pm) - GnuPG User Attribute Objects
GnuPG::UserId (3pm)  - GnuPG User ID Objects
gorbd-4.9 (1)        - - An object request broker daemon
grmiregistry-4.9 (1) - - Remote object registry
HTML::Element (3pm)  - Class for objects that represent HTML elements
HTML::Mason::Cache::BaseCache (3pm) - Base cache object
HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject (3pm) - A Compiler subclass that generates Ma...
HTML::Mason::Exceptions (3pm) - Exception objects thrown by Mason
HTML::Mason::FakeApache (3pm) - An Apache object emulator for use with Mason
HTML::Tree::AboutObjects (3pm) - - article: "User's View of Object-Oriented M...
HTTP::Config (3pm)   - Configuration for request and response objects
HTTP::Parser (3pm)   - parse HTTP/1.1 request into HTTP::Request/Response object
HTTP::Request::Common (3pm) - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
i2d_ASN1_OBJECT (3ssl) - ASN1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER functions
i2d_SSL_SESSION (3ssl) - convert SSL_SESSION object from/to ASN1 representation
idr_get_next (9)     - lookup next object of id to given id.
init_rcu_head_on_stack (9) - initialize on-stack rcu_head for debugobjects
IO::Dir (3perl)      - supply object methods for directory handles
IO::File (3perl)     - supply object methods for filehandles
IO::Handle (3perl)   - supply object methods for I/O handles
IO::Pipe (3perl)     - supply object methods for pipes
IO::Poll (3perl)     - Object interface to system poll call
IO::Pty (3pm)        - Pseudo TTY object class
IO::Seekable (3perl) - supply seek based methods for I/O objects
IO::Socket (3perl)   - Object interface to socket communications
IO::Socket::INET (3perl) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO::Socket::INET6 (3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
IO::Socket::UNIX (3perl) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
IO::Stringy (3pm)    - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
IO::WrapTie (3pm)    - wrap tieable objects in IO::Handle interface
IPC::Msg (3perl)     - SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC::Semaphore (3perl) - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC::SharedMem (3perl) - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
ipc_check_perms (9)  - check security and permissions for an ipc object
ipc_obtain_object_check (9) - (unknown subject)
ipc_obtain_object_idr (9) - (unknown subject)
ipc_update_perm (9)  - update the permissions of an ipc object
ipcget_new (9)       - create a new ipc object
ipcget_public (9)    - get an ipc object or create a new one
JSON (3pm)           - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
kmem_cache_alloc (9) - Allocate an object
kmem_cache_alloc_node (9) - Allocate an object on the specified node
kmem_cache_free (9)  - Deallocate an object
kobject_add (9)      - the main kobject add function
kobject_create_and_add (9) - create a struct kobject dynamically and register...
kobject_del (9)      - unlink kobject from hierarchy.
kobject_get (9)      - increment refcount for object.
kobject_get_path (9) - generate and return the path associated with a given k...
kobject_init (9)     - initialize a kobject structure
kobject_init_and_add (9) - initialize a kobject structure and add it to the k...
kobject_move (9)     - move object to another parent
kobject_put (9)      - decrement refcount for object.
kobject_rename (9)   - change the name of an object
kobject_set_name (9) - Set the name of a kobject
kset_find_obj (9)    - search for object in kset.
ksize (9)            - get the actual amount of memory allocated for a given ...
lock_two_nondirectories (9) - take two i_mutexes on non-directory objects
lorder (1)           - list dependencies for object files
Mail::Box-Overview (3pm) - objects used by Mail::Box
Mail::Field::AddrList (3pm) - object representation of e-mail address lists
Mail::Message (3pm)  - general message object
Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup (3pm) - A group of Mail::Message::Field::Addr...
Mail::SPF (3pm)      - An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Fra...
Mason::Exceptions (3pm) - Exception objects thrown by Mason
Mason::Plugin::TidyObjectFiles (3pm) - Tidy object files
MIME::Decoder (3pm)  - an object for decoding the body part of a MIME stream
ModPerl::MethodLookup (3pm) - - Lookup mod_perl modules, objects and methods
Moo (3pm)            - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
Moo::Role (3pm)      - Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles
Moose (3pm)          - A postmodern object system for Perl 5
Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Person_BUILD... (3pm) - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to...
Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Debugging... (3pm) - Providing a role for the bas...
Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Debugging_Ba... (3pm) - Providing an alternate base ...
Moose::Cookbook::Roles::ApplicationTo... (3pm) - Applying a role to an object...
Moose::Manual::Attributes (3pm) - Object attributes with Moose
Moose::Manual::Construction (3pm) - Object construction (and destruction) wit...
Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait (3pm) - Implements immutability for meta...
Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor (3pm) - Method Meta Object for constructors
Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor (3pm) - Method Meta Object for destructors
Moose::Meta::Object::Trait (3pm) - Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object func...
Moose::Meta::Role::Composite (3pm) - An object to represent the set of roles
Moose::Object (3pm)  - The base object for Moose
Moose::Util::MetaRole (3pm) - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the ob...
MooseX::StrictConstructor (3pm) - Make your object constructors blow up on un...
Net::DBus::Binding::Introspector (3pm) - Handler for object introspection data
Net::DBus::Dumper (3pm) - Stringify Net::DBus objects suitable for printing
Net::DBus::Exporter (3pm) - Export object methods and signals to the bus
Net::DBus::Object (3pm) - Provide objects to the bus for clients to use
Net::DBus::RemoteObject (3pm) - Access objects provided on the bus
Net::DBus::Test::MockMessage (3pm) - Fake a message object when unit testing
Net::DBus::Test::MockObject (3pm) - Fake an object from the bus for unit testing
Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects (3pm) - tutorials on providing a DBus s...
Net::DBus::Tutorial::UsingObjects (3pm) - tutorial on accessing a DBus service
Net::SSH2::Channel (3pm) - SSH 2 channel object
Net::SSH2::Dir (3pm) - SSH 2 SFTP directory object
Net::SSH2::File (3pm) - SSH 2 SFTP file object
Net::SSH2::Listener (3pm) - SSH 2 listener object
Net::SSH2::PublicKey (3pm) - SSH 2 public key object
Net::SSH2::SFTP (3pm) - SSH 2 Secure FTP object
newlocale (3)        - create, modify, and free a locale object
nfacct (8)           - command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting...
nlmconv (1)          - converts object code into an NLM.
nm (1)               - list symbols from object files
nm86 (1)             - Examine object, archive or executable files
OBJ_cleanup (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_cmp (3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_create (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_dup (3ssl)       - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_ln2nid (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2ln (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2obj (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_nid2sn (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2nid (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_obj2txt (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_sn2nid (3ssl)    - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2nid (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
OBJ_txt2obj (3ssl)   - ASN1 object utility functions
objcopy (1)          - copy and translate object files
objdump (1)          - display information from object files.
objdump86 (1)        - Examine object, archive or executable files
Object::Realize::Later (3pm) - Delayed creation of objects
orbd (1)             - The Object Request Broker Daemon
perlboot (1)         - Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
perlbot (1)          - Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
perlobj (1)          - Perl object reference
perlootut (1)        - Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
perltie (1)          - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltooc (1)         - Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
perltoot (1)         - Links to information on object-oriented programming in...
pldd (1)             - display dynamic shared objects linked into a process
Pod::InputObjects (3perl) - objects representing POD input paragraphs, comman...
pthread_attr_destroy (3) - initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getaffinity_np (3) - set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_getdetachstate (3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_getguardsize (3) - set/get guard size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_getinheritsched (3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_getschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_getscope (3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_attr_getstack (3) - set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getstackaddr (3) - set/get stack address attribute in thread att...
pthread_attr_getstacksize (3) - set/get stack size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_init (3) - initialize and destroy thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setaffinity_np (3) - set/get CPU affinity attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_setguardsize (3) - set/get guard size attribute in thread attrib...
pthread_attr_setinheritsched (3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_setschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_setscope (3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_attr_setstack (3) - set/get stack attributes in thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setstackaddr (3) - set/get stack address attribute in thread att...
pthread_attr_setstacksize (3) - set/get stack size attribute in thread attrib...
python (1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.4 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.4m (1)       - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3m (1)         - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
REASSIGN_OWNED (7)   - change the ownership of database objects owned by a da...
reservation_object_add_excl_fence (9) - Add an exclusive fence.
reservation_object_add_shared_fence (9) - Add a fence to a shared slot
reservation_object_fini (9) - destroys a reservation object
reservation_object_get_excl (9) - get the reservation object's exclusive fenc...
reservation_object_get_excl_rcu (9) - get the reservation object's exclusive ...
reservation_object_get_fences_rcu (9) - Get an object's shared and exclusive ...
reservation_object_get_list (9) - get the reservation object's shared fence l...
reservation_object_init (9) - initialize a reservation object
reservation_object_reserve_shared (9) - Reserve space to add a shared fence t...
reservation_object_test_signaled_rcu (9) - Test if a reservation object's fen...
reservation_object_wait_timeout_rcu (9) - Wait on reservation's objects share...
rmiregistry (1)      - The Java Remote Object Registry
rpc_add_pipe_dir_object (9) - associate a rpc_pipe_dir_object to a directory
rpc_find_or_alloc_pipe_dir_object (9) - (unknown subject)
rpc_init_pipe_dir_object (9) - initialise a struct rpc_pipe_dir_object
rpc_remove_pipe_dir_object (9) - remove a rpc_pipe_dir_object from a directory
RSA_free (3ssl)      - allocate and free RSA objects
RSA_new (3ssl)       - allocate and free RSA objects
ruby (1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby2.1 (1)          - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
SECURITY_LABEL (7)   - define or change a security label applied to an object
selinux_set_mapping (3) - establish dynamic object class and permission mapping
setfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
size86 (1)           - Examine object, archive or executable files
sk_alloc (9)         - All socket objects are allocated here
sprof (1)            - read and display shared object profiling data
SSL_callback_ctrl (3ssl) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL ob...
SSL_clear (3ssl)     - reset SSL object to allow another connection
SSL_ctrl (3ssl)      - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_callback_ctrl (3ssl) - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SS...
SSL_CTX_ctrl (3ssl)  - internal handling functions for SSL_CTX and SSL objects
SSL_CTX_free (3ssl)  - free an allocated SSL_CTX object
SSL_CTX_new (3ssl)   - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSL_get_accept_state (3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server ...
SSL_get_fd (3ssl)    - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_get_rbio (3ssl)  - get BIO linked to an SSL object
SSL_pending (3ssl)   - obtain number of readable bytes buffered in an SSL object
SSL_rstate_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object ...
SSL_rstate_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL ob...
SSL_set_bio (3ssl)   - connect the SSL object with a BIO
SSL_set_connect_state (3ssl) - prepare SSL object to work in client or server...
SSL_set_fd (3ssl)    - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_state_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSLv23_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSLv23_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv23_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TL...
SSLv2_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv2_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv3_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
SSLv3_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
SSLv3_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
strip (1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
struct_debug_obj (9) - representaion of an tracked object
struct_debug_obj_descr (9) - object type specific debug description structure
struct_dma_buf (9)   - shared buffer object
struct_pwm_device (9) - PWM channel object
struct_reservation_object (9) - a reservation object manages fences for a buffer
struct_reservation_object_list (9) - a list of shared fences
sysfs_chmod_file (9) - update the modified mode value on an object attribute.
sysfs_create_bin_file (9) - create binary file for object.
sysfs_create_file_ns (9) - create an attribute file for an object with custom ns
sysfs_create_link (9) - create symlink between two objects.
sysfs_remove_bin_file (9) - remove binary file for object.
sysfs_remove_file_ns (9) - remove an object attribute with a custom ns tag
sysfs_remove_link (9) - remove symlink in object's directory.
sysfs_rename_link_ns (9) - rename symlink in object's directory.
TAP::Object (3perl)  - Base class that provides common functionality to all "...
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory (3perl) - Figures out which SourceHandler object...
TAP::Parser::Result (3perl) - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory (3perl) - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output ...
Time::Piece (3perl)  - Object Oriented time objects
Time::tm (3perl)     - internal object used by Time::gmtime and Time::localtime
TLSv1_1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_1_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL ...
TLSv1_1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_2_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_2_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL ...
TLSv1_2_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for T...
TLSv1_client_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
TLSv1_method (3ssl)  - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS/SSL e...
TLSv1_server_method (3ssl) - create a new SSL_CTX object as framework for TLS...
usb_ifnum_to_if (9)  - get the interface object with a given interface number
vacuumlo (1)         - remove orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
vdso (7)             - overview of the virtual ELF dynamic shared object
version (3perl)      - Perl extension for Version Objects
version::Internals (3perl) - Perl extension for Version Objects
vfs_rename (9)       - rename a filesystem object
vfs_unlink (9)       - unlink a filesystem object
X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
X509_NAME_ENTRY_set_object (3ssl) - X509_NAME_ENTRY utility functions
x86_64-linux-gnu-nm (1) - list symbols from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy (1) - copy and translate object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump (1) - display information from object files.
x86_64-linux-gnu-strip (1) - Discard symbols from object files.
XML::Parser::Style::Objects (3pm) - Objects styler parser
ZeroMQ::Context (3pm) - A 0MQ Context object
ZeroMQ::Message (3pm) - A 0MQ Message object
ZeroMQ::Poller (3pm) - Convenient socket polling object
ZeroMQ::Socket (3pm) - A 0MQ Socket object
Clownfish (3pm)      - Apache Clownfish symbiotic object system.
Clownfish::Obj (3pm) - Base class for all objects.
CPAN::Meta::Check (3pm) - Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
File::Find::Object (3pm) - An object oriented File::Find replacement
File::Find::Object::Base (3pm) - base class for File::Find::Object
File::Find::Object::PathComp (3pm) - base class for File::Find::Object's Path...
File::Find::Object::Result (3pm) - a result class for File::Find::Object
Future::Utils (3pm)  - utility functions for working with "Future" objects
Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts (3pm) - object representing command line swit...
Getopt::Long::Parser (3pm) - Getopt::Long object oriented interface
Lucy::Docs::Tutorial::QueryObjects (3pm) - Use Query objects instead of query...
Lucy::Object::BitVector (3pm) - An array of bits.
Lucy::Object::Obj (3pm) - Moved.
Lucy::Search::PolyQuery (3pm) - Base class for composite Query objects.
Lucy::Search::QueryParser (3pm) - Transform a string into a Query object.
Module::Pluggable::Object (3pm) - automatically give your module the ability ...
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Pa... (3pm) - (unknown subject)
Test2::API::Context (3pm) - Object to represent a testing context.
Test2::API::Instance (3pm) - Object used by Test2::API under the hood
Test2::API::Stack (3pm) - Object to manage a stack of Test2::Hub instances.
Test2::AsyncSubtest (3pm) - Object representing an async subtest.
Test2::Compare::Event (3pm) - Event specific Object subclass.
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3pm) - Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that c...
Test2::Compare::Object (3pm) - Representation of an object during deep compar...
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Context (3pm) - Internals documentation for the Conte...
Test2::Tools::Refcount (3pm) - assert reference counts on objects
Test2::Util::Grabber (3pm) - Object used to temporarily intercept all events.
Throwable::Error (3pm) - an easy-to-use class for error objects

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