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Test(4) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

Test (3perl)         - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Test (3pm) - test plugin
__netif_subqueue_stopped (9) - test status of subqueue
__test_and_clear_bit (9) - Clear a bit and return its old value
__test_and_set_bit (9) - Set a bit and return its old value
acpi_available (1)   - test whether ACPI subsystem is available
Apache::Test (3pm)   - Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
Apache::TestConfig (3pm) - - Test Configuration setup module
Apache::TestHandler (3pm) - a few response handlers and helpers
Apache::TestMB (3pm) - Subclass of Module::Build to support Apache::Test
Apache::TestMM (3pm) - Provide MakeMaker Wrapper Methods
Apache::TestReport (3pm) - A parent class for generating bug/success reports
Apache::TestRequest (3pm) - Send requests to your Apache test server
Apache::TestRun (3pm) - Run the test suite
Apache::TestRunPerl (3pm) - Run mod_perl-requiring Test Suite
Apache::TestRunPHP (3pm) - configure and run a PHP-based test suite
Apache::TestSmoke (3pm) - Special Tests Sequence Failure Finder
Apache::TestTrace (3pm) - Helper output generation functions
Apache::TestUtil (3pm) - Utility functions for writing tests
apm_available (1)    - test whether APM subsystem is available
App::Prove::State::Result (3perl) - Individual test suite results.
App::Prove::State::Result::Test (3perl) - Individual test results.
assert_perror (3)    - test errnum and abort
ata_link_offline (9) - test whether the given link is offline
ata_link_online (9)  - test whether the given link is online
ata_phys_link_offline (9) - test whether the given link is offline
ata_phys_link_online (9) - test whether the given link is online
atomic_add_negative (9) - add and test if negative
atomic_dec_and_test (9) - decrement and test
atomic_inc_and_test (9) - increment and test
atomic_sub_and_test (9) - subtract value from variable and test result
bh_uptodate_or_lock (9) - Test whether the buffer is uptodate
BN_cmp (3ssl)        - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_generate_prime (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_odd (3ssl)     - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_one (3ssl)     - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_prime (3ssl)   - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_prime_fasttest (3ssl) - generate primes and test for primality
BN_is_word (3ssl)    - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_is_zero (3ssl)    - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
BN_ucmp (3ssl)       - BIGNUM comparison and test functions
Bundle::ApacheTest (3pm) - A bundle to install all Apache-Test related modules
Cache::BaseCacheTester (3pm) - - abstract cache tester base class
Cache::CacheTester (3pm) - - a class for regression testing caches
Cache::SizeAwareCacheTester (3pm) - - a class for regression testing size awa...
cfg80211_testmode_alloc_event_skb (9) - allocate testmode event
cfg80211_testmode_alloc_reply_skb (9) - allocate testmode reply
cfg80211_testmode_event (9) - send the event
cfg80211_testmode_reply (9) - send the reply skb
clambc (1)           - Bytecode Analysis and Testing Tool
corosync-pload (8)   - Start payload test.
DBD::Gofer::Transport::null (3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
dh_auto_test (1)     - automatically runs a package's test suites
dh_testdir (1)       - test directory before building Debian package
dh_testroot (1)      - ensure that a package is built as root
doveadm-auth (1)     - Test authentication for a user
doveadm-log (1)      - Locate, test or reopen Dovecot's log files
EVP_BytesToKey (3ssl) - password based encryption routine
ExtUtils::testlib (3perl) - add blib/* directories to @INC
fail2ban-regex (1)   - test Fail2ban "failregex" option
fb_try_mode (9)      - test a video mode
feature_test_macros (7) - feature test macros
fetestexcept (3)     - floating-point rounding and exception handling
filetest (3perl)     - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
ftm (7)              - feature test macros
gen_estimator_active (9) - test if estimator is currently in use
git-remote-testgit (1) - Example remote-helper
group_member (3)     - test whether a process is in a group
grub-fstest (1)      - debug tool for GRUB filesystem drivers
HTML::Mason::Tests (3pm) - Test harness for testing Mason
ieee80211_queue_stopped (9) - test status of the queue
inc::latest (3perl)  - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than ins...
inode_congested (9)  - test whether an inode is congested
isatty (3)           - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
isfdtype (3)         - test file type of a file descriptor
isgreater (3)        - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreaterequal (3)   - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isless (3)           - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessequal (3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessgreater (3)    - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isunordered (3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
iswalnum (3)         - test for alphanumeric wide character
iswalpha (3)         - test for alphabetic wide character
iswblank (3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswcntrl (3)         - test for control wide character
iswdigit (3)         - test for decimal digit wide character
iswgraph (3)         - test for graphic wide character
iswlower (3)         - test for lowercase wide character
iswprint (3)         - test for printing wide character
iswpunct (3)         - test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
iswspace (3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswupper (3)         - test for uppercase wide character
iswxdigit (3)        - test for hexadecimal digit wide character
list_empty (9)       - tests whether a list is empty
list_empty_careful (9) - tests whether a list is empty and not being modified
list_is_last (9)     - tests whether list is the last entry in list head
list_is_singular (9) - tests whether a list has just one entry.
lockf (3)            - apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an open file
Log::Any::Test (3pm) - - Test what you're logging with Log::Any
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus (3pm) - simple anti-virus tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM (3pm) - perform DKIM verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash (3pm) - perform hashcash verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader (3pm) - perform regexp tests against M...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OneLineBo... (3pm) - spamassassin body test plugin
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF (3pm) - perform SPF verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail (3pm) - test URIs using detailed URI in...
mbsinit (3)          - test for initial shift state
Memoize::ExpireFile (3perl) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::ExpireTest (3perl) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
mysqltest (1)        - Regressiontest program for MySQL.
MyTest::Util (3pm)   - - helper functions
Net::DBus::Test::MockConnection (3pm) - Fake a connection to the bus unit tes...
Net::DBus::Test::MockIterator (3pm) - Iterator over a mock message
Net::DBus::Test::MockMessage (3pm) - Fake a message object when unit testing
Net::DBus::Test::MockObject (3pm) - Fake an object from the bus for unit testing
netif_carrier_ok (9) - test if carrier present
netif_dormant (9)    - test if carrier present
netif_is_multiqueue (9) - test if device has multiple transmit queues
netif_oper_up (9)    - test if device is operational
netif_queue_stopped (9) - test if transmit queue is flowblocked
netif_running (9)    - test if up
on_ac_power (1)      - test whether computer is running on AC power
pam_succeed_if (8)   - test account characteristics
pg_test_fsync (1)    - determine fastest wal_sync_method for PostgreSQL
pg_test_timing (1)   - measure timing overhead
pg_virtualenv (1)    - Create a throw-away PostgreSQL environment for running...
pgbench (1)          - run a benchmark test on PostgreSQL
prove (1)            - Run tests through a TAP harness.
pthread_testcancel (3) - request delivery of any pending cancellation request
qmqp-sink (1)        - multi-threaded QMQP test server
qmqp-source (1)      - multi-threaded QMQP test generator
reservation_object_test_signaled_rcu (9) - Test if a reservation object's fen...
rio_device_has_destid (9) - Test if a device contains a destination ID register
rio_enum_complete (9) - Tests if enumeration of a network is complete
rio_is_switch (9)    - Tests if a RIO device has switch capabilities
rio_mport_is_active (9) - Tests if master port link is active
rio_sport_is_active (9) - Tests if a switch port has an active connection.
rpc_clnt_test_and_add_xprt (9) - Test and add a new transport to a rpc_clnt
sata_lpm_ignore_phy_events (9) - test if PHY event should be ignored
sata_scr_valid (9)   - test whether SCRs are accessible
scsi_device_supports_vpd (9) - test if a device supports VPD pages
scsi_test_unit_ready (9) - test if unit is ready
sctp_test (1)        - Send and receive messages via SCTP
signbit (3)          - test sign of a real floating-point number
sk_capable (9)       - Socket global capability test
sk_net_capable (9)   - Network namespace socket capability test
sk_ns_capable (9)    - General socket capability test
skb_dst_is_noref (9) - Test if skb dst isn't refcounted
slaptest (8)         - Check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd configuration
smtp-sink (1)        - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test server
smtp-source (1)      - multi-threaded SMTP/LMTP test generator
snd_soc_component_test_bits (9) - Test register for change
snd_soc_test_bits (9) - test register for change
speed (1ssl)         - test library performance
systemd-activate (8) - Test socket activation of daemons
systemd-nspawn (1)   - Spawn a namespace container for debugging, testing and...
TAP::Formatter::Color (3perl) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP::Harness (3perl) - Run test scripts with statistics
TAP::Harness::Beyond (3perl) - Beyond make test
TAP::Parser::Grammar (3perl) - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
TAP::Parser::Result::Test (3perl) - Test result token.
TAP::Parser::Scheduler (3perl) - Schedule tests during parallel testing
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job (3perl) - A single testing job.
test (1)             - check file types and compare values
Test::Builder (3perl) - Backend for building test libraries
Test::Builder::Module (3perl) - Base class for test modules
Test::Builder::Tester (3perl) - test testsuites that have been built with Tes...
Test::Builder::Tester::Color (3perl) - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
Test::Class (3pm)    - Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
Test::Class::Load (3pm) - Load "Test::Class" classes automatically.
Test::Class::MethodInfo (3pm) - the info associated with a test method
Test::Class::Most (3pm) - Test Classes the easy way
Test::Deep (3pm)     - Extremely flexible deep comparison
Test::Deep::NoTest (3pm) - Use Test::Deep outside of the testing framework
Test::Differences (3pm) - Test strings and data structures and show differenc...
Test::Exception (3pm) - Test exception based code
Test::Harness (3perl) - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Test::LongString (3pm) - tests strings for equality, with more helpful failures
Test::Moose (3pm)    - Test functions for Moose specific features
Test::More (3perl)   - yet another framework for writing test scripts
Test::Most (3pm)     - Most commonly needed test functions and features.
Test::Most::Exception (3pm) - Internal exception class
Test::Simple (3perl) - Basic utilities for writing tests.
Test::Tutorial (3perl) - A tutorial about writing really basic tests
Test::TypeTiny (3pm) - useful functions for testing the efficacy of type cons...
Test::Warn (3pm)     - Perl extension to test methods for warnings
test_and_change_bit (9) - Change a bit and return its old value
test_and_clear_bit (9) - Clear a bit and return its old value
test_and_set_bit (9) - Set a bit and return its old value
test_and_set_bit_lock (9) - Set a bit and return its old value for lock
test_bit (9)         - Determine whether a bit is set
testparm (1)         - check an smb.conf configuration file for internal corr...
testrb (1)           - Automatic runnter for Test::Unit of Ruby
testrb2.1 (1)        - Automatic runnter for Test::Unit of Ruby
try-from (8)         - test program for the tcp_wrapper
unzip (1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
validlocale (8)      - Test if a given locale is available
vfs_test_lock (9)    - test file byte range lock
waitqueue_active (9) - - locklessly test for waiters on the queue
work_busy (9)        - test whether a work is currently pending or running
workqueue_congested (9) - test whether a workqueue is congested
Test2::Tools::Refcount (3pm) - assert reference counts on objects
Test::Future (3pm)   - unit test assertions for Future instances
Test::Future::Deferred (3pm) - a future which completes later
Devel::Hide (3pm)    - Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (f...
Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::CpantsErrors (3pm) - Check for CPANTS testing errors
ok (3pm)             - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Pa... (3pm) - (unknown subject)
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Pa... (3pm) - (unknown subject)
Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite::Pa... (3pm) - (unknown subject)
Test2 (3pm)          - Framework for writing test tools that all work together.
Test2::API (3pm)     - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools.
Test2::API::Breakage (3pm) - What breaks at what version
Test2::API::Context (3pm) - Object to represent a testing context.
Test2::API::Instance (3pm) - Object used by Test2::API under the hood
Test2::API::InterceptResult (3pm) - Representation of a list of events.
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Event (3pm) - Representation of an event for use...
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Hub (3pm) - Hub used by InterceptResult.
Test2::API::InterceptResult::Squasher (3pm) - Encapsulation of the algorithm ...
Test2::API::Stack (3pm) - Object to manage a stack of Test2::Hub instances.
Test2::AsyncSubtest (3pm) - Object representing an async subtest.
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Attach (3pm) - Event to attach a subtest to the p...
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Event::Detach (3pm) - Event to detach a subtest from the...
Test2::AsyncSubtest::Hub (3pm) - Hub used by async subtests.
Test2::Bundle (3pm)  - Documentation for bundles.
Test2::Bundle::Extended (3pm) - Old name for Test2::V0
Test2::Bundle::More (3pm) - ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::More.
Test2::Bundle::Simple (3pm) - ALMOST a drop-in replacement for Test::Simple.
Test2::Compare (3pm) - Test2 extension for writing deep comparison tools.
Test2::Compare::Array (3pm) - Internal representation of an array comparison.
Test2::Compare::Bag (3pm) - Internal representation of a bag comparison.
Test2::Compare::Base (3pm) - Base class for comparison classes.
Test2::Compare::Bool (3pm) - Compare two values as booleans
Test2::Compare::Custom (3pm) - Custom field check for comparisons.
Test2::Compare::DeepRef (3pm) - Ref comparison
Test2::Compare::Delta (3pm) - Representation of differences between nested da...
Test2::Compare::Event (3pm) - Event specific Object subclass.
Test2::Compare::EventMeta (3pm) - Meta class for events in deep comparisons
Test2::Compare::Float (3pm) - Compare two values as numbers with tolerance.
Test2::Compare::Hash (3pm) - Representation of a hash in a deep comparison.
Test2::Compare::Isa (3pm) - Check if the value is an instance of the class.
Test2::Compare::Meta (3pm) - Check library for meta-checks
Test2::Compare::Negatable (3pm) - Poor mans 'role' for compare objects that c...
Test2::Compare::Number (3pm) - Compare two values as numbers
Test2::Compare::Object (3pm) - Representation of an object during deep compar...
Test2::Compare::OrderedSubset (3pm) - Internal representation of an ordered s...
Test2::Compare::Pattern (3pm) - Use a pattern to validate values in a deep co...
Test2::Compare::Ref (3pm) - Ref comparison
Test2::Compare::Regex (3pm) - Regex direct comparison
Test2::Compare::Scalar (3pm) - Representation of a Scalar Ref in deep compari...
Test2::Compare::Set (3pm) - Allows a field to be matched against a set of che...
Test2::Compare::String (3pm) - Compare two values as strings
Test2::Compare::Undef (3pm) - Check that something is undefined
Test2::Compare::Wildcard (3pm) - Placeholder check.
Test2::Event (3pm)   - Base class for events
Test2::Event::Bail (3pm) - Bailout!
Test2::Event::Diag (3pm) - Diag event type
Test2::Event::Encoding (3pm) - Set the encoding for the output stream
Test2::Event::Exception (3pm) - Exception event
Test2::Event::Fail (3pm) - Event for a simple failed assertion
Test2::Event::Generic (3pm) - Generic event type.
Test2::Event::Note (3pm) - Note event type
Test2::Event::Ok (3pm) - Ok event type
Test2::Event::Pass (3pm) - Event for a simple passing assertion
Test2::Event::Plan (3pm) - The event of a plan
Test2::Event::Skip (3pm) - Skip event type
Test2::Event::Subtest (3pm) - Event for subtest types
Test2::Event::TAP::Version (3pm) - Event for TAP version.
Test2::Event::V2 (3pm) - Second generation event.
Test2::Event::Waiting (3pm) - Tell all procs/threads it is time to be done
Test2::EventFacet (3pm) - Base class for all event facets.
Test2::EventFacet::About (3pm) - Facet with event details.
Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty (3pm) - Facet for assertion amnesty.
Test2::EventFacet::Assert (3pm) - Facet representing an assertion.
Test2::EventFacet::Control (3pm) - Facet for hub actions and behaviors.
Test2::EventFacet::Error (3pm) - Facet for errors that need to be shown.
Test2::EventFacet::Hub (3pm) - Facet for the hubs an event passes through.
Test2::EventFacet::Info (3pm) - Facet for information a developer might care ...
Test2::EventFacet::Info::Table (3pm) - Intermediary representation of a table.
Test2::EventFacet::Meta (3pm) - Facet for meta-data
Test2::EventFacet::Parent (3pm) - Facet for events contains other events
Test2::EventFacet::Plan (3pm) - Facet for setting the plan
Test2::EventFacet::Render (3pm) - Facet that dictates how to render an event.
Test2::EventFacet::Trace (3pm) - Debug information for events
Test2::Formatter (3pm) - Namespace for formatters.
Test2::Formatter::TAP (3pm) - Standard TAP formatter
Test2::Hub (3pm)     - The conduit through which all events flow.
Test2::Hub::Interceptor (3pm) - Hub used by interceptor to grab results.
Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator (3pm) - Exception class used by Test2::Hu...
Test2::Hub::Subtest (3pm) - Hub used by subtests
Test2::IPC (3pm)     - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
Test2::IPC::Driver (3pm) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files (3pm) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
Test2::Manual (3pm)  - Documentation hub for Test2 and Test2-Suite.
Test2::Manual::Anatomy (3pm) - The hub for documentation of the inner working...
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::API (3pm) - Internals documentation for the API.
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Context (3pm) - Internals documentation for the Conte...
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::EndToEnd (3pm) - Overview of Test2 from load to finish.
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Event (3pm) - The internals of events
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Hubs (3pm) - Internals documentation for the hub stac...
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::IPC (3pm) - Manual for the IPC system.
Test2::Manual::Anatomy::Utilities (3pm) - Overview of utilities for Test2.
Test2::Manual::Concurrency (3pm) - Documentation for Concurrency support.
Test2::Manual::Contributing (3pm) - How to contribute to the Test2 project.
Test2::Manual::Testing (3pm) - Hub for documentation about writing tests with...
Test2::Manual::Testing::Introduction (3pm) - Introduction to testing with Test2.
Test2::Manual::Testing::Migrating (3pm) - How to migrate existing tests from ...
Test2::Manual::Testing::Planning (3pm) - The many ways to set a plan.
Test2::Manual::Testing::Todo (3pm) - Tutorial for marking tests as TODO.
Test2::Manual::Tooling (3pm) - Manual page for tool authors.
Test2::Manual::Tooling::FirstTool (3pm) - Write your first tool with Test2.
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Formatter (3pm) - How to write a custom formatter, in...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Nesting (3pm) - Tutorial for using other tools within...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::TestExit (3pm) - How to safely add pre-exit b...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::Testi... (3pm) - Run code when the test file ...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolC... (3pm) - How to add behaviors that oc...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Plugin::ToolS... (3pm) - How to add behaviors that oc...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Subtest (3pm) - How to implement a tool that makes us...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::TestBuilder (3pm) - This section maps Test::Builder m...
Test2::Manual::Tooling::Testing (3pm) - Tutorial on how to test your testing ...
Test2::Mock (3pm)    - Module for managing mocked classes and instances.
Test2::Plugin (3pm)  - Documentation for plugins
Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail (3pm) - Automatically bail out of testing on the fi...
Test2::Plugin::DieOnFail (3pm) - Automatically die on the first test failure.
Test2::Plugin::ExitSummary (3pm) - Add extra diagnostics on failure at the en...
Test2::Plugin::SRand (3pm) - Control the random seed for more controlled test...
Test2::Plugin::Times (3pm) - Output timing data at the end of the test.
Test2::Plugin::UTF8 (3pm) - Test2 plugin to test with utf8.
Test2::Require (3pm) - Base class and documentation for skip-unless type test...
Test2::Require::AuthorTesting (3pm) - Only run a test when the AUTHOR_TESTING...
Test2::Require::EnvVar (3pm) - Only run a test when a specific environment va...
Test2::Require::Fork (3pm) - Skip a test file unless the system supports forking
Test2::Require::Module (3pm) - Skip tests if certain packages are not install...
Test2::Require::Perl (3pm) - Skip the test unless the necessary version of Pe...
Test2::Require::RealFork (3pm) - Skip a test file unless the system supports ...
Test2::Require::Threads (3pm) - Skip a test file unless the system supports t...
Test2::Suite (3pm)   - Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the T...
Test2::Todo (3pm)    - TODO extension for Test2.
Test2::Tools (3pm)   - Documentation for Tools.
Test2::Tools::AsyncSubtest (3pm) - Tools for writing async subtests.
Test2::Tools::Basic (3pm) - Test2 implementation of the basic testing tools.
Test2::Tools::Class (3pm) - Test2 implementation of the tools for testing cla...
Test2::Tools::ClassicCompare (3pm) - Classic (Test::More style) comparison to...
Test2::Tools::Compare (3pm) - Tools for comparing deep data structures.
Test2::Tools::Defer (3pm) - Write tests that get executed at a later time
Test2::Tools::Encoding (3pm) - Tools for managing the encoding of Test2 based...
Test2::Tools::Event (3pm) - Tools for generating test events.
Test2::Tools::Exception (3pm) - Test2 based tools for checking exceptions
Test2::Tools::Exports (3pm) - Tools for validating exporters.
Test2::Tools::GenTemp (3pm) - Tool for generating a populated temp directory.
Test2::Tools::Grab (3pm) - Temporarily intercept all events without adding a ...
Test2::Tools::Mock (3pm) - Class/Instance mocking for Test2.
Test2::Tools::Ref (3pm) - Tools for validating references.
Test2::Tools::Spec (3pm) - RSPEC implementation on top of Test2::Workflow
Test2::Tools::Subtest (3pm) - Tools for writing subtests
Test2::Tools::Target (3pm) - Alias the testing target package.
Test2::Tools::Tester (3pm) - Tools to help you test other testing tools.
Test2::Tools::Tiny (3pm) - Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot...
Test2::Tools::Warnings (3pm) - Tools to verify warnings.
Test2::Transition (3pm) - Transition notes when upgrading to Test2
Test2::Util (3pm)    - Tools used by Test2 and friends.
Test2::Util::ExternalMeta (3pm) - Allow third party tools to safely attach me...
Test2::Util::Facets2Legacy (3pm) - Convert facet data to the legacy event API.
Test2::Util::Grabber (3pm) - Object used to temporarily intercept all events.
Test2::Util::Guard (3pm) - Inline copy of Scope::Guard
Test2::Util::HashBase (3pm) - Build hash based classes.
Test2::Util::Importer (3pm) - Inline copy of Importer.
Test2::Util::Ref (3pm) - Tools for inspecting or manipulating references.
Test2::Util::Stash (3pm) - Utilities for manipulating stashes and globs.
Test2::Util::Sub (3pm) - Tools for inspecting and manipulating subs.
Test2::Util::Table (3pm) - Format a header and rows into a table
Test2::Util::Table::LineBreak (3pm) - Break up lines for use in tables.
Test2::Util::Times (3pm) - Format timing/benchmark information.
Test2::Util::Trace (3pm) - Legacy wrapper fro Test2::EventFacet::Trace.
Test2::V0 (3pm)      - 0Th edition of the Test2 recommended bundle.
Test2::Workflow (3pm) - A test workflow is a way of structuring tests using c...
Test2::Workflow::BlockBase (3pm) - Base class for all workflow blocks.
Test2::Workflow::Build (3pm) - Represents a build in progress.
Test2::Workflow::Runner (3pm) - Runs the workflows.
Test2::Workflow::Task (3pm) - Encapsulation of a Task
Test2::Workflow::Task::Action (3pm) - Encapsulation of an action.
Test2::Workflow::Task::Group (3pm) - Encapsulation of a group (describe).
Test::Builder (3pm)  - Backend for building test libraries
Test::Builder::Formatter (3pm) - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Formatter::TAP
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar (3pm) - A copy of IO::Scalar for Test::Builder
Test::Builder::Module (3pm) - Base class for test modules
Test::Builder::Tester (3pm) - test testsuites that have been built with Test:...
Test::Builder::Tester::Color (3pm) - turn on colour in Test::Builder::Tester
Test::Builder::TodoDiag (3pm) - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Event::Diag
Test::FailWarnings (3pm) - Add test failures if warnings are caught
Test::Fatal (3pm)    - incredibly simple helpers for testing code with except...
Test::File (3pm)     - - test file attributes
Test::Kwalitee (3pm) - Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it
Test::LeakTrace (3pm) - Traces memory leaks
Test::LeakTrace::JA (3pm) - XXXXXXXXXXX
Test::LeakTrace::Script (3pm) - A LeakTrace interface for whole scripts
Test::MockRandom (3pm) - Replaces random number generation with non-random nu...
Test::More (3pm)     - yet another framework for writing test scripts
Test::More::UTF8 (3pm) - Enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
Test::Needs (3pm)    - Skip tests when modules not available
Test::Pod (3pm)      - check for POD errors in files
Test::Pod::Coverage (3pm) - Check for pod coverage in your distribution.
Test::Simple (3pm)   - Basic utilities for writing tests.
Test::Tester (3pm)   - Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Test::Tester::Capture (3pm) - Help testing test modules built with Test::Builder
Test::Tester::CaptureRunner (3pm) - Help testing test modules built with Test...
Test::Timer (3pm)    - test module to test/assert response times
Test::Timer::TimeoutException (3pm) - exception class for Test::Timer
Test::Trap (3pm)     - Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.
Test::Trap::Builder (3pm) - Backend for building test traps
Test::Trap::Builder::PerlIO (3pm) - Capture strategy using PerlIO::scalar
Test::Trap::Builder::SystemSafe (3pm) - "Safe" capture strategies using File:...
Test::Trap::Builder::TempFile (3pm) - Capture strategies using File::Temp
Test::Tutorial (3pm) - A tutorial about writing really basic tests
Test::use::ok (3pm)  - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
Test::UseAllModules (3pm) - do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
Test::Warnings (3pm) - Test for warnings and the lack of them

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