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bitmap(1) - phpMan

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__bitmap_parse (9)   - convert an ASCII hex string into a bitmap.
__bitmap_parselist (9) - convert list format ASCII string to bitmap
__bitmap_shift_left (9) - logical left shift of the bits in a bitmap
__bitmap_shift_right (9) - logical right shift of the bits in a bitmap
bitmap_allocate_region (9) - allocate bitmap region
bitmap_bitremap (9)  - Apply map defined by a pair of bitmaps to a single bit
bitmap_copy_le (9)   - copy a bitmap, putting the bits into little-endian order.
bitmap_find_free_region (9) - find a contiguous aligned mem region
bitmap_find_next_zero_area_off (9) - find a contiguous aligned zero area
bitmap_fold (9)      - fold larger bitmap into smaller, modulo specified size
bitmap_from_u32array (9) - copy the contents of a u32 array of bits to bitmap
bitmap_onto (9)      - translate one bitmap relative to another
bitmap_ord_to_pos (9) - find position of n-th set bit in bitmap
bitmap_parse_user (9) - convert an ASCII hex string in a user buffer into a b...
bitmap_parselist_user (9) - (unknown subject)
bitmap_pos_to_ord (9) - find ordinal of set bit at given position in bitmap
bitmap_print_to_pagebuf (9) - convert bitmap to list or hex format ASCII string
bitmap_release_region (9) - release allocated bitmap region
bitmap_remap (9)     - Apply map defined by a pair of bitmaps to another bitmap
bitmap_to_u32array (9) - copy the contents of bitmap to a u32 array of bits
snd_pcm_hw_constraint_mask64 (9) - apply the given bitmap mask constraint

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