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blocks(8) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

__nand_unlock (9)    - [REPLACEABLE] unlocks specified locked blocks
badblocks (8)        - search a device for bad blocks
call_netdevice_notifiers (9) - call all network notifier blocks
crypto_ablkcipher_blocksize (9) - obtain block size of cipher
crypto_aead_blocksize (9) - obtain block size of cipher
crypto_blkcipher_blocksize (9) - obtain block size of cipher
crypto_cipher_blocksize (9) - obtain block size for cipher
crypto_shash_blocksize (9) - obtain block size for cipher
crypto_skcipher_blocksize (9) - obtain block size of cipher
dma_pool_create (9)  - Creates a pool of consistent memory blocks, for dma.
dma_pool_destroy (9) - destroys a pool of dma memory blocks.
fstrim (8)           - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem
Guard (3pm)          - safe cleanup blocks
io_submit (2)        - submit asynchronous I/O blocks for processing
iterate_supers_type (9) - call function for superblocks of given type
Mason::Manual::Components (3pm) - The building blocks of Mason
nand_lock (9)        - [REPLACEABLE] locks all blocks present in the device
nand_unlock (9)      - [REPLACEABLE] unlocks specified locked blocks
Net::CIDR (3pm)      - Manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
rblsmtpd (1)         - blocks mail from RBL-listed sites. It works with any S...
sum (1)              - checksum and count the blocks in a file
Test2::Workflow::BlockBase (3pm) - Base class for all workflow blocks.

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