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move(8) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

__dev_mc_unsync (9)  - Remove synchronized addresses from device
__dev_remove_pack (9) - remove packet handler
__dev_uc_unsync (9)  - Remove synchronized addresses from device
__remove_inode_hash (9) - remove an inode from the hash
__unqueue_futex (9)  - Remove the futex_q from its futex_hash_bucket
ata_pci_remove_one (9) - PCI layer callback for device removal
ata_platform_remove_one (9) - Platform layer callback for device removal
ata_scsi_remove_dev (9) - remove attached SCSI device
BIO_pop (3ssl)       - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
BIO_push (3ssl)      - add and remove BIOs from a chain.
bus_unregister (9)   - remove a bus from the system
ccwgroup_remove_ccwdev (9) - remove function for slave devices
cdev_del (9)         - remove a cdev from the system
cgclassify (1)       - move running task(s) to given cgroups
cgdelete (1)         - remove control group(s)
CIRCLEQ_REMOVE (3)   - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular qu...
class_compat_remove_link (9) - remove a compatibility class device link to a ...
colrm (1)            - remove columns from a file
cut (1)              - remove sections from each line of files
DebianNet (3pm)      - create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd....
debugfs_remove (9)   - removes a file or directory from the debugfs filesystem
debugfs_remove_recursive (9) - recursively removes a directory
delcr (1)            - removes a CR (\015) at the end of each line of input, ...
delgroup (8)         - remove a user or group from the system
deluser (8)          - remove a user or group from the system
dev_change_net_namespace (9) - move device to different nethost namespace
dev_remove_offload (9) - remove packet offload handler
dev_remove_pack (9)  - remove packet handler
device_destroy (9)   - removes a device that was created with device_create
device_move (9)      - moves a device to a new parent
device_remove_bin_file (9) - remove sysfs binary attribute file
device_remove_file (9) - remove sysfs attribute file.
device_remove_file_self (9) - remove sysfs attribute file from its own method.
device_reprobe (9)   - remove driver for a device and probe for a new driver
devm_remove_action (9) - removes previously added custom action
devres_remove (9)    - Find a device resource and remove it
devres_remove_group (9) - Remove a devres group
dh_movefiles (1)     - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages
dma_buf_detach (9)   - Remove the given attachment from dmabuf's attachments ...
doveadm-altmove (1)  - Move matching mails to the alternative storage (dbox-o...
doveadm-flags (1)    - add, remove or replace messages' flags
doveadm-move (1)     - Move messages matching the given search query into ano...
doveadm-purge (1)    - Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files
dpkg-remove (8)      - mark packages for removal
driver_remove_file (9) - remove sysfs file for driver.
driver_unregister (9) - remove driver from system.
DROP_ACCESS_METHOD (7) - remove an access method
DROP_AGGREGATE (7)   - remove an aggregate function
DROP_CAST (7)        - remove a cast
DROP_COLLATION (7)   - remove a collation
DROP_CONVERSION (7)  - remove a conversion
DROP_DATABASE (7)    - remove a database
DROP_DOMAIN (7)      - remove a domain
DROP_EVENT_TRIGGER (7) - remove an event trigger
DROP_EXTENSION (7)   - remove an extension
DROP_FOREIGN_DATA_WRAPPER (7) - remove a foreign-data wrapper
DROP_FOREIGN_TABLE (7) - remove a foreign table
DROP_FUNCTION (7)    - remove a function
DROP_GROUP (7)       - remove a database role
DROP_INDEX (7)       - remove an index
DROP_LANGUAGE (7)    - remove a procedural language
DROP_MATERIALIZED_VIEW (7) - remove a materialized view
DROP_OPERATOR (7)    - remove an operator
DROP_OPERATOR_CLASS (7) - remove an operator class
DROP_OPERATOR_FAMILY (7) - remove an operator family
DROP_OWNED (7)       - remove database objects owned by a database role
DROP_POLICY (7)      - remove a row level security policy from a table
DROP_PROCEDURE (7)   - remove a procedure
DROP_PUBLICATION (7) - remove a publication
DROP_ROLE (7)        - remove a database role
DROP_ROUTINE (7)     - remove a routine
DROP_RULE (7)        - remove a rewrite rule
DROP_SCHEMA (7)      - remove a schema
DROP_SEQUENCE (7)    - remove a sequence
DROP_SERVER (7)      - remove a foreign server descriptor
DROP_STATISTICS (7)  - remove extended statistics
DROP_SUBSCRIPTION (7) - remove a subscription
DROP_TABLE (7)       - remove a table
DROP_TABLESPACE (7)  - remove a tablespace
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION (7) - remove a text search configuration
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_DICTIONARY (7) - remove a text search dictionary
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_PARSER (7) - remove a text search parser
DROP_TEXT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE (7) - remove a text search template
DROP_TRANSFORM (7)   - remove a transform
DROP_TRIGGER (7)     - remove a trigger
DROP_TYPE (7)        - remove a data type
DROP_USER (7)        - remove a database role
DROP_USER_MAPPING (7) - remove a user mapping for a foreign server
DROP_VIEW (7)        - remove a view
dropdb (1)           - remove a PostgreSQL database
dropuser (1)         - remove a PostgreSQL user account
envz_remove (3)      - environment string support
ERR_remove_state (3ssl) - free a thread's error queue
eventfd_ctx_remove_wait_queue (9) - Read the current counter and removes wait...
fanotify_mark (2)    - add, remove, or modify an fanotify mark on a filesyste...
fb_delete_videomode (9) - removed videomode entry from modelist
fc_remove_host (9)   - called to terminate any fc_transport-related elements ...
fence_remove_callback (9) - remove a callback from the signaling list
File::Path (3perl)   - Create or remove directory trees
File::Remove (3pm)   - Remove files and directories
flock (2)            - apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file
gen_kill_estimator (9) - remove a rate estimator
git-bundle (1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-clean (1)        - Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-mv (1)           - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-prune-packed (1) - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-rm (1)           - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-stripspace (1)   - Remove unnecessary whitespace
ida_remove (9)       - remove the given ID
ida_simple_remove (9) - remove an allocated id.
idr_remove (9)       - remove the given id and free its slot
inotify_rm_watch (2) - remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
insque (3)           - insert/remove an item from a queue
invalidate_inode_pages2 (9) - remove all pages from an address_space
invalidate_inode_pages2_range (9) - remove range of pages from an address_space
ipc_rmid (9)         - remove an ipc identifier
ipcrm (1)            - remove certain IPC resources
irq_remove_generic_chip (9) - Remove a chip
kfifo_reset (9)      - removes the entire fifo content
kobject_move (9)     - move object to another parent
kset_unregister (9)  - remove a kset.
list_move (9)        - delete from one list and add as another's head
list_move_tail (9)   - delete from one list and add as another's tail
LIST_REMOVE (3)      - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular qu...
lockf (3)            - apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an open file
lvremove (8)         - remove a logical volume
memmove (3)          - copy memory area
memmove (9)          - Copy one area of memory to another
migrate_pages (2)    - move all pages in a process to another set of nodes
modprobe (8)         - Add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
Moose::Unsweetened (3pm) - Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
MOVE (7)             - position a cursor
move_pages (2)       - move individual pages of a process to another node
mpt_detach (9)       - Remove a PCI intelligent MPT adapter.
mpt_remove_dead_ioc_func (9) - kthread context to remove dead ioc
mptfc_remove (9)     - Remove fc infrastructure for devices
mq_unlink (2)        - remove a message queue
mq_unlink (3)        - remove a message queue
mv (1)               - move (rename) files
netdev_upper_dev_unlink (9) - Removes a link to upper device
netif_device_detach (9) - mark device as removed
netif_device_present (9) - is device available or removed
notmuch-tag (1)      - add/remove tags for all messages matching the search t...
parport_remove_port (9) - deregister a parallel port
pci_hp_remove_module_link (9) - remove symbolic link to the hotplug driver mo...
pci_remove_resource_files (9) - cleanup resource files
pci_remove_sysfs_dev_files (9) - cleanup PCI specific sysfs files
pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device (9) - remove a PCI device and any children
phy_device_remove (9) - Remove a previously registered phy device from the MD...
platform_device_del (9) - remove a platform-level device
pnp_unregister_protocol (9) - removes a pnp protocol from the pnp layer
proc_flush_task (9)  - Remove dcache entries for task from the /proc dcache.
psfstriptable (1)    - remove the embedded Unicode character table from a con...
pskb_trim_unique (9) - remove end from a paged unique (not cloned) buffer
pvmove (8)           - move physical extents
pvremove (8)         - remove a physical volume
pwmchip_remove (9)   - remove a PWM chip
py3clean (1)         - removes .pyc and .pyo files
pyclean (1)          - removes .pyc and .pyo files
regulator_unregister_supply_alias (9) - Remove device alias
relay_remove_buf (9) - remove a channel buffer
remove (3)           - remove a file or directory
remove-default-ispell (8) - remove default ispell dictionary
remove-default-wordlist (8) - remove default wordlist
remove-shell (8)     - remove shells from the list of valid login shells
remove_irq (9)       - free an interrupt
remove_resource (9)  - Remove a resource in the resource tree
remque (3)           - insert/remove an item from a queue
REVOKE (7)           - remove access privileges
rio_del_mport_pw_handler (9) - remove port-write message handler from the lis...
rio_device_remove (9) - Remove a RIO device from the system
rio_remove_sysfs_dev_files (9) - cleanup RIO specific sysfs files
rio_unregister_scan (9) - removes enumeration/discovery method from mport
rm (1)               - remove files or directories
rmdir (1)            - remove empty directories
rmmod (8)            - Simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
rpc_remove_pipe_dir_object (9) - remove a rpc_pipe_dir_object from a directory
rpc_unlink (9)       - remove a pipe
rps_may_expire_flow (9) - check whether an RFS hardware filter may be removed
sas_phy_delete (9)   - remove SAS PHY
sas_port_delete (9)  - remove SAS PORT
sas_port_delete_phy (9) - remove a phy from a port or wide port
sas_remove_children (9) - tear down a devices SAS data structures
sas_remove_host (9)  - tear down a Scsi_Host's SAS data structures
sas_rphy_delete (9)  - remove and free SAS remote PHY
sas_rphy_remove (9)  - remove SAS remote PHY
scsi_exit_devinfo (9) - remove /proc/scsi/device_info & the scsi_dev_info_list
scsi_exit_procfs (9) - Remove scsi/scsi and scsi from procfs
scsi_proc_host_rm (9) - remove this host's entry from /proc
scsi_proc_hostdir_rm (9) - remove directory in /proc for a scsi host
scsi_remove_device (9) - unregister a device from the scsi bus
scsi_remove_host (9) - remove a scsi host
scsi_remove_single_device (9) - Respond to user request to remove a device
scsi_remove_target (9) - try to remove a target and all its devices
scsi_target_reap_ref_release (9) - remove target from visibility
securityfs_remove (9) - removes a file or directory from the securityfs files...
sem_unlink (3)       - remove a named semaphore
seq_hlist_next (9)   - move to the next position of the hlist
seq_hlist_next_percpu (9) - move to the next position of the percpu hlist array
seq_hlist_next_rcu (9) - move to the next position of the hlist protected by RCU
serial8250_unregister_port (9) - remove a 16x50 serial port at runtime
setup_per_zone_wmarks (9) - called when min_free_kbytes changes or when memor...
shtool-move (1)      - GNU shtool enhanced mv(1) replacement
skb_dequeue (9)      - remove from the head of the queue
skb_dequeue_tail (9) - remove from the tail of the queue
skb_pull (9)         - remove data from the start of a buffer
skb_trim (9)         - remove end from a buffer
skb_unlink (9)       - remove a buffer from a list
skip_spaces (9)      - Removes leading whitespace from str.
snd_card_file_remove (9) - remove the file from the file list
snd_ctl_remove (9)   - remove the control from the card and release it
snd_ctl_remove_id (9) - remove the control of the given id and release it
snd_dmaengine_pcm_unregister (9) - Removes a dmaengine based PCM device
snd_pcm_notify (9)   - Add/remove the notify list
snd_soc_dapm_del_routes (9) - Remove routes between DAPM widgets
snd_soc_remove_dai_link (9) - Remove a DAI link from the list
snd_soc_remove_platform (9) - Remove a platform from the ASoC core
sock_unregister (9)  - remove a protocol handler
SPI_cursor_move (3)  - move a cursor
SPI_scroll_cursor_move (3) - move a cursor
SPI_unregister_relation (3) - remove an ephemeral named relation from the reg...
srp_remove_host (9)  - tear down a Scsi_Host's SRP data structures
srp_rport_del (9)    - remove a SRP remote port
SSL_CTX_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_CTX_remove_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb (3ssl) - provide callback functions for server sid...
SSL_flush_sessions (3ssl) - remove expired sessions
SSL_remove_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
strim (9)            - Removes leading and trailing whitespace from s.
sysfs_remove_bin_file (9) - remove binary file for object.
sysfs_remove_file_from_group (9) - remove an attribute file from a group.
sysfs_remove_file_ns (9) - remove an object attribute with a custom ns tag
sysfs_remove_link (9) - remove symlink in object's directory.
TAILQ_REMOVE (3)     - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circular qu...
transport_destroy_device (9) - destroy a removed device
transport_remove_device (9) - remove the visibility of a device
truncate_pagecache (9) - unmap and remove pagecache that has been truncated
truncate_pagecache_range (9) - unmap and remove pagecache that is hole-punched
uart_remove_one_port (9) - detach a driver defined port structure
uart_unregister_driver (9) - remove a driver from the uart core layer
unlink (1)           - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unqueue_me (9)       - Remove the futex_q from its futex_hash_bucket
unregister_netdev (9) - remove device from the kernel
unregister_netdevice_queue (9) - remove device from the kernel
update-inetd (8)     - create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd....
update-rc.d (8)      - install and remove System-V style init script links
update-service (8)   - add/remove a service to/from system-wide service super...
usb_hcd_pci_remove (9) - shutdown processing for PCI-based HCDs
usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep (9) - remove an URB from its endpoint queue
usb_remove_hcd (9)   - shutdown processing for generic HCDs
vacuumlo (1)         - remove orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
vgremove (8)         - remove a volume group
w1_remove_master_device (9) - unregister a master device
wmemmove (3)         - copy an array of wide-characters
zap_vma_ptes (9)     - remove ptes mapping the vma
Lucy::Object::Obj (3pm) - Moved.

rootr.net - man pages