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Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

DISCARD (7)          - discard session state
Env (3perl)          - perl module that imports environment variables as scal...
Test (3perl)         - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
__ata_change_queue_depth (9) - helper for ata_scsi_change_queue_depth
__audit_log_capset (9) - store information about the arguments to the capset ...
__audit_syscall_entry (9) - fill in an audit record at syscall entry
__audit_syscall_exit (9) - deallocate audit context after a system call
__bitmap_parse (9)   - convert an ASCII hex string into a bitmap.
__bitmap_parselist (9) - convert list format ASCII string to bitmap
__napi_schedule (9)  - schedule for receive
__napi_schedule_irqoff (9) - schedule for receive
__scsi_device_lookup (9) - find a device given the host (UNLOCKED)
__scsi_device_lookup_by_target (9) - find a device given the target (UNLOCKED)
__sk_mem_schedule (9) - increase sk_forward_alloc and memory_allocated
__skb_fill_page_desc (9) - initialise a paged fragment in an skb
_syscall (2)         - invoking a system call without library support (OBSOLETE)
_sysctl (2)          - read/write system parameters
a2disconf (8)        - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
acpi_bus_scan (9)    - Add ACPI device node objects in a given namespace scope.
acpi_bus_trim (9)    - Detach scan handlers and drivers from ACPI device obje...
acpi_scan_drop_device (9) - Drop an ACPI device object.
addmntent (3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
afs_syscall (2)      - unimplemented system calls
airq_iv_scan (9)     - scan interrupt vector for non-zero bits
alphasort (3)        - scan a directory for matching entries
ALTER_SCHEMA (7)     - change the definition of a schema
ALTER_SUBSCRIPTION (7) - change the definition of a subscription
amavisd-new (8)      - Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters
Apache2::Util (3pm)  - Perl API for Misc Apache Utility functions
apropos (1)          - search the manual page names and descriptions
AptPkg::PkgRecords (3pm) - APT package description class
armscii-8 (7)        - Armenian character set encoded in octal, decimal, and ...
ascii (7)            - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hex...
asctime (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ata_gen_ata_sense (9) - generate a SCSI fixed sense block
ata_get_xlat_func (9) - check if SCSI to ATA translation is possible
ata_sas_async_probe (9) - simply schedule probing and return
ata_sas_queuecmd (9) - Issue SCSI cdb to libata-managed device
ata_scsi_change_queue_depth (9) - SCSI callback for queue depth config
ata_scsi_dev_rescan (9) - initiate scsi_rescan_device
ata_scsi_dump_cdb (9) - dump SCSI command contents to dmesg
ata_scsi_find_dev (9) - lookup ata_device from scsi_cmnd
ata_scsi_flush_xlat (9) - Translate SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command
ata_scsi_hotplug (9) - SCSI part of hotplug
ata_scsi_media_change_notify (9) - send media change event
ata_scsi_mode_select_xlat (9) - Simulate MODE SELECT 6, 10 commands
ata_scsi_offline_dev (9) - offline attached SCSI device
ata_scsi_pass_thru (9) - convert ATA pass-thru CDB to taskfile
ata_scsi_qc_new (9)  - acquire new ata_queued_cmd reference
ata_scsi_queuecmd (9) - Issue SCSI cdb to libata-managed device
ata_scsi_rbuf_fill (9) - wrapper for SCSI command simulators
ata_scsi_rbuf_get (9) - Map response buffer.
ata_scsi_rbuf_put (9) - Unmap response buffer.
ata_scsi_remove_dev (9) - remove attached SCSI device
ata_scsi_report_zones_complete (9) - convert ATA output
ata_scsi_rw_xlat (9) - Translate SCSI r/w command into an ATA one
ata_scsi_simulate (9) - simulate SCSI command on ATA device
ata_scsi_slave_config (9) - Set SCSI device attributes
ata_scsi_slave_destroy (9) - SCSI device is about to be destroyed
ata_scsi_start_stop_xlat (9) - Translate SCSI START STOP UNIT command
ata_scsi_translate (9) - Translate then issue SCSI command to ATA device
ata_scsi_unlock_native_capacity (9) - unlock native capacity
ata_scsi_user_scan (9) - indication for user-initiated bus scan
ata_scsi_verify_xlat (9) - Translate SCSI VERIFY command into an ATA one
ata_scsiop_inq_00 (9) - Simulate INQUIRY VPD page 0, list of pages
ata_scsiop_inq_80 (9) - Simulate INQUIRY VPD page 80, device serial number
ata_scsiop_inq_83 (9) - Simulate INQUIRY VPD page 83, device identity
ata_scsiop_inq_89 (9) - Simulate INQUIRY VPD page 89, ATA info
ata_scsiop_inq_std (9) - Simulate INQUIRY command
ata_scsiop_mode_sense (9) - Simulate MODE SENSE 6, 10 commands
ata_scsiop_noop (9)  - Command handler that simply returns success.
ata_scsiop_read_cap (9) - Simulate READ CAPACITY[ 16] commands
ata_scsiop_report_luns (9) - Simulate REPORT LUNS command
ata_sg_init (9)      - Associate command with scatter-gather table.
ata_sg_setup (9)     - DMA-map the scatter-gather table associated with a com...
ata_to_sense_error (9) - convert ATA error to SCSI error
atapi_cmd_type (9)   - Determine ATAPI command type from SCSI opcode
auditsc_get_stamp (9) - get local copies of audit_context values
autoconf (1)         - Generate configuration scripts
autodie (3perl)      - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with l...
autom4te (1)         - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autoscan (1)         - Generate a preliminary configure.in
awk (1)              - pattern scanning and processing language
B::Hooks::EndOfScope (3pm) - Execute code after a scope finished compilation
B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP (3pm) - Execute code after a scope finished compilat...
B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS (3pm) - Execute code after a scope finished compilat...
bind9-config (1)     - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
BIO_get_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_new_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
BIO_s_fd (3ssl)      - file descriptor BIO
BIO_set_fd (3ssl)    - file descriptor BIO
bitmap_parse_user (9) - convert an ASCII hex string in a user buffer into a b...
bitmap_print_to_pagebuf (9) - convert bitmap to list or hex format ASCII string
blk_mangle_minor (9) - scatter minor numbers apart
blk_queue_max_discard_sectors (9) - set max sectors for a single discard
blk_rq_count_integrity_sg (9) - Count number of integrity scatterlist elements
blk_rq_map_integrity_sg (9) - Map integrity metadata into a scatterlist
blkdev_issue_discard (9) - queue a discard
blkdiscard (8)       - discard sectors on a device
boot (7)             - general description of boot sequence
btrfs-rescue (8)     - Recover a damaged btrfs filesystem
btrfs-scrub (8)      - scrub btrfs filesystem
btrfsck (8)          - check or repair a btrfs filesystem offline
bus_rescan_devices (9) - rescan devices on the bus for possible drivers
busctl (1)           - Introspect the bus
cacaview (1)         - ASCII image browser
Cache::CacheUtils (3pm) - - miscellaneous utility routines
calculate_imbalance (9) - Calculate the amount of imbalance present within th...
captoinfo (1)        - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
ccw_device_get_chp_desc (9) - return newly allocated channel-path descriptor
ccw_device_get_schid (9) - obtain a subchannel id
cfg80211_disconnected (9) - notify cfg80211 that connection was dropped
cfg80211_scan_done (9) - notify that scan finished
cgm (1)              - a client script for cgmanager
charmap (5)          - character set description file
check_asym_packing (9) - Check to see if the group is packed into the sched d...
checksctp (1)        - check if kernel supports SCTP
ckbcomp (1)          - compile a XKB keyboard description to a keymap suitabl...
clamav-milter (8)    - milter compatible mail scanner
clamdscan (1)        - scan files and directories for viruses using Clam Anti...
clamscan (1)         - scan files and directories for viruses
clear (1)            - clear the terminal screen
close (2)            - close a file descriptor
colorit (1)          - a script for markuping the text input
cond_synchronize_sched (9) - Conditionally wait for an RCU-sched grace period
console_codes (4)    - Linux console escape and control sequences
console_conditional_schedule (9) - yield the CPU if required
create_bbt (9)       - [GENERIC] Create a bad block table by scanning the device
CREATE_SCHEMA (7)    - define a new schema
CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION (7) - define a new subscription
cron (8)             - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
crypto_shash_descsize (9) - obtain the operational state size
ctime (3)            - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
d2i_Netscape_RSA (3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
d_obtain_alias (9)   - find or allocate a DISCONNECTED dentry for a given inode
d_splice_alias (9)   - splice a disconnected dentry into the tree if one exists
Data::Perl::Number (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
Data::Perl::Role::Number (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
Data::Perl::Role::String (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar strings.
Data::Perl::String (3pm) - Wrapping class for Perl scalar strings.
Date::Calendar (3pm) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn (3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo r...
DBI::Const::GetInfoType (3pm) - Data describing GetInfo type codes
dblink_disconnect (3) - closes a persistent connection to a remote database
dbus-launch (1)      - Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
debconf-escape (1)   - helper when working with debconf's escape capability
Debian::DictionariesCommon (3pm) - dictionaries-common library
debugfs_print_regs32 (9) - use seq_print to describe a set of registers
DES_key_sched (3ssl) - DES encryption
dev_set_promiscuity (9) - update promiscuity count on a device
dh_gconf (1)         - install GConf defaults files and register schemas
dh_installcron (1)   - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*
dh_pypy (1)          - calculates PyPy dependencies, adds maintainer scripts ...
dh_python2 (1)       - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer script...
dh_python3 (1)       - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer script...
dh_scrollkeeper (1)  - deprecated no-op
dh_usrlocal (1)      - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts
dhclient-script (8)  - DHCP client network configuration script
dhcp-eval (5)        - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation
dictl (1)            - wrapper script for dict that permits using utf-8 encod...
dirfd (3)            - get directory stream file descriptor
discard (8postfix)   - Postfix discard mail delivery agent
disk_flush_events (9) - schedule immediate event checking and flushing
dkimproxy-verify (1) - insert here a description
dma_buf_fd (9)       - returns a file descriptor for the given dma_buf
dma_buf_map_attachment (9) - Returns the scatterlist table of the attachment;...
dma_buf_unmap_attachment (9) - unmaps and decreases usecount of the buffer;mi...
dnscache (8)         - a DNS cache.
dnscache-conf (8)    - sets up a DNS cache service.
doveadm-kick (1)     - Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address
dpkg-maintscript-helper (1) - works around known dpkg limitations in maintain...
dpkg-scanpackages (1) - create Packages index files
dpkg-scansources (1) - create Sources index files
dpkg-source (1)      - Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
Dpkg::Control::FieldsCore (3) - manage (list of official) control fields
dprintf (3)          - print to a file descriptor
DROP_SCHEMA (7)      - remove a schema
DROP_SERVER (7)      - remove a foreign server descriptor
DROP_SUBSCRIPTION (7) - remove a subscription
dtach (1)            - simple program that emulates the detach feature of scr...
Dumpvalue (3perl)    - provides screen dump of Perl data.
dup (2)              - duplicate a file descriptor
dup2 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dup3 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
e2fsck (8)           - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck.conf (5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
emacsclient (1)      - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
emacsclient.emacs23 (1) - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
emacsclient.emacs24 (1) - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
encoding (3perl)     - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
endmntent (3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
enum_mac80211_tx_control_flags (9) - flags to describe transmit control
enum_mac80211_tx_info_flags (9) - flags to describe transmission information/...
epoll_create (2)     - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_create1 (2)    - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_ctl (2)        - control interface for an epoll descriptor
epoll_pwait (2)      - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
epoll_wait (2)       - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
eventfd (2)          - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)         - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_fget (9)     - Acquire a reference of an eventfd file descriptor.
eventfd_read (3)     - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)    - create a file descriptor for event notification
fb_var_to_videomode (9) - convert fb_var_screeninfo to fb_videomode
fb_videomode_to_var (9) - convert fb_videomode to fb_var_screeninfo
fc-scan (1)          - scan font files or directories
fc_block_scsi_eh (9) - Block SCSI eh thread for blocked fc_rport
fc_remove_host (9)   - called to terminate any fc_transport-related elements ...
fcntl (2)            - manipulate file descriptor
fcntl64 (2)          - manipulate file descriptor
fexecve (3)          - execute program specified via file descriptor
find_busiest_group (9) - Returns the busiest group within the sched_domain if...
FindBin (3perl)      - Locate directory of original perl script
fix_small_imbalance (9) - Calculate the minor imbalance that exists amongst t...
flock (1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
flush_scheduled_work (9) - ensure that any scheduled work has run to completion.
flush_workqueue (9)  - ensure that any scheduled work has run to completion.
fscanf (3)           - input format conversion
fsck (8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.btrfs (8)       - do nothing, successfully
fsck.cramfs (8)      - fsck compressed ROM file system
fsck.ext2 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext3 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4dev (8)     - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.minix (8)       - check consistency of Minix filesystem
fsck.nfs (8)         - Dummy fsck.nfs script that always returns success.
fsck.reiserfs (8)    - The checking tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
fsck.xfs (8)         - do nothing, successfully
fsl_rio_setup (9)    - Setup Freescale PowerPC RapidIO interface
fstrim (8)           - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem
futimesat (2)        - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
gawk (1)             - pattern scanning and processing language
get_sd_load_idx (9)  - Obtain the load index for a given sched domain.
get_state_synchronize_sched (9) - Snapshot current RCU-sched state
getdtablesize (2)    - get descriptor table size
getdtablesize (3)    - get descriptor table size
getfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
getfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
getkeycodes (8)      - print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
getmntent (3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
getmntent_r (3)      - get filesystem descriptor file entry
getpriority (2)      - get/set program scheduling priority
git-describe (1)     - Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-mergetool--lib (1) - Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-sh-i18n (1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-setup (1)     - Common Git shell script setup code
git-web--browse (1)  - Git helper script to launch a web browser
gmtime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r (3)         - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
grops (1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grub-mkrescue (1)    - make a GRUB rescue image
grub-script-check (1) - check grub.cfg for syntax errors
halt (5)             - variables that affect the behavior of the shutdown scr...
hasmntopt (3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
hd (1)               - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hexdump (1)          - ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
tc-hfsc (8)          - Hierarchical Fair Service Curve's control under linux
hier (7)             - description of the filesystem hierarchy
Hook::LexWrap (3pm)  - Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
hostname (7)         - hostname resolution description
hpsa (4)             - HP Smart Array SCSI driver
HTML::Element::traverse (3pm) - discussion of HTML::Element's traverse method
HTML::FormatPS (3pm) - Format HTML as PostScript
HTML::Mason::Escapes (3pm) - Functions to escape text for Mason
HTML::Tree (3pm)     - build and scan parse-trees of HTML
HTML::Tree::Scanning (3pm) - - article: "Scanning HTML"
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape (3pm) - access to Netscape cookies files
hwclock (5)          - variables that affect the behaviour of the hwclock boo...
I18N::Collate (3perl) - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current lo...
i2d_Netscape_RSA (3ssl) - RSA public and private key encoding functions.
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
ieee80211_free_hw (9) - free hardware descriptor
ieee80211_scan_completed (9) - completed hardware scan
iio_validate_scan_mask_onehot (9) - Validates that exactly one channel is sel...
IMPORT_FOREIGN_SCHEMA (7) - import table definitions from a foreign server
infocmp (1)          - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infotocap (1)        - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
init-d-script (5)    - interpreter for short and simple init.d scripts.
initramfs-tools (8)  - an introduction to writing scripts for mkinitramfs
input_get_keycode (9) - retrieve keycode currently mapped to a given scancode
input_scancode_to_scalar (9) - converts scancode in struct input_keymap_entry
input_set_keycode (9) - attribute a keycode to a given scancode
insserv (8)          - boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script depend...
intro (7)            - introduction to overview, conventions, and miscellany ...
invoke-rc.d (8)      - executes System-V style init script actions
IO::Scalar (3pm)     - IO:: interface for reading/writing a scalar
IO::ScalarArray (3pm) - IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of scalars
ionice (1)           - set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
ioprio_get (2)       - get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
ioprio_set (2)       - get/set I/O scheduling class and priority
irq_set_msi_desc (9) - set MSI descriptor data for an irq
irq_set_msi_desc_off (9) - set MSI descriptor data for an irq at offset
isascii (3)          - character classification functions
isascii_l (3)        - character classification functions
isatty (3)           - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
isc-config.sh (1)    - Get information about the installed version of ISC BIND
isc-hmac-fixup (8)   - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
ischroot (1)         - detect if running in a chroot
iscntrl (3)          - character classification functions
iscntrl_l (3)        - character classification functions
iscsi-iname (8)      - iSCSI initiator name generation tool
iscsi_block_scsi_eh (9) - block scsi eh until session state has transistioned
iscsi_create_conn (9) - create iscsi class connection
iscsi_create_flashnode_conn (9) - Add flashnode conn entry in sysfs
iscsi_create_flashnode_sess (9) - Add flashnode session entry in sysfs
iscsi_create_session (9) - create iscsi class session
iscsi_destroy_all_flashnode (9) - destroy all flashnode session entries
iscsi_destroy_conn (9) - destroy iscsi class connection
iscsi_destroy_flashnode_sess (9) - destroy flashnode session entry
iscsi_destroy_session (9) - destroy iscsi session
iscsi_discovery (8)  - discover iSCSI targets
iscsi_find_flashnode_conn (9) - finds flashnode connection entry
iscsi_find_flashnode_sess (9) - finds flashnode session entry
iscsi_scan_finished (9) - helper to report when running scans are done
iscsi_session_event (9) - send session destr. completion event
iscsi_unblock_session (9) - set a session as logged in and start IO.
iscsiadm (8)         - open-iscsi administration utility
iscsid (8)           - Open-iSCSI daemon
iscsistart (8)       - iSCSI boot tool
isfdtype (3)         - test file type of a file descriptor
java-wrappers (7)    - capacities shared by java wrapper scripts
jed-script (1)       - programmers editor
js (1)               - Server-side JavaScript
JSON (3pm)           - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
keymaps (5)          - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
kfifo_dma_in_prepare (9) - setup a scatterlist for DMA input
kfifo_dma_out_prepare (9) - setup a scatterlist for DMA output
ldattach (8)         - attach a line discipline to a serial line
locale (5)           - describes a locale definition file
locale (7)           - description of multilanguage support
Locale::Codes::API (3perl) - a description of the callable function in each m...
Locale::Codes::Script (3perl) - standard codes for script identification
Locale::Script (3perl) - standard codes for script identification
localtime (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r (3)      - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
Log::Any::Adapter::Null (3pm) - - Discards all log messages
lscgroup (1)         - list all cgroups
lscpu (1)            - display information about the CPU architecture
lvmdiskscan (8)      - scan for all devices visible to LVM2
lvscan (8)           - scan (all disks) for Logical Volumes
Mail::Box::FastScalar (3pm) - fast alternative to IO::Scalar
Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatPS (3pm) - Convert HTML into PostScript
Mail::SpamAssassin::AsyncLoop (3pm) - scanner asynchronous event loop
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::LDAP (3pm) - load SpamAssassin scores from LDAP dat...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::SQL (3pm) - load SpamAssassin scores from SQL database
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearn... (3pm) - threshold-based discriminato...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL (3pm) - Normalize scores via auto-whitelist
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::VBounce (3pm) - aid in rescuing genuine bounces
mailaddr (7)         - mail addressing description
mapscrn (8)          - load screen output mapping table
mawk (1)             - pattern scanning and text processing language
mdiobus_scan (9)     - scan a bus for MDIO devices.
memchr (3)           - scan memory for a character
memrchr (3)          - scan memory for a character
memscan (9)          - Find a character in an area of memory.
mewl (1)             - Message scanner for Mew 4 or later
MIME::Type (3pm)     - description of one MIME type
misc_conv (3)        - text based conversation function
misc_deregister (9)  - unregister a miscellaneous device
misc_register (9)    - register a miscellaneous device
mkfs.bfs (8)         - make an SCO bfs filesystem
mktime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ModPerl::CScan (3pm) - scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.
ModPerl::PerlRun (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
ModPerl::PerlRunPrefork (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
ModPerl::Registry (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts persistently under mod_perl
ModPerl::RegistryBB (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts persistently under mod_...
ModPerl::RegistryLoader (3pm) - Compile ModPerl::RegistryCooker scripts at se...
ModPerl::RegistryPrefork (3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
morphy (7WN)         - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing
mpt_GetScsiPortSettings (9) - read SCSI Port Page 0 and 2
mpt_is_discovery_complete (9) - determine if discovery has completed
mpt_print_ioc_summary (9) - Write ASCII summary of IOC to a buffer.
mpt_readScsiDevicePageHeaders (9) - save version and length of SDP1
mpt_spi_log_info (9) - Log information returned from SCSI Parallel IOC.
mptctl_syscall_down (9) - Down the MPT adapter syscall semaphore.
mptfc_init (9)       - Register MPT adapter(s) as SCSI host(s) with SCSI mid-...
mptscsih_abort (9)   - Abort linux scsi_cmnd routine, new_eh variant
mptscsih_bus_reset (9) - Perform a SCSI BUS_RESET! new_eh variant
mptscsih_dev_reset (9) - Perform a SCSI TARGET_RESET! new_eh variant
mptscsih_do_cmd (9)  - Do internal command.
mptscsih_get_completion_code (9) - get completion code from MPT request
mptscsih_get_scsi_lookup (9) - retrieves scmd entry
mptscsih_getclear_scsi_lookup (9) - retrieves and clears scmd entry from Scsi...
mptscsih_host_reset (9) - Perform a SCSI host adapter RESET (new_eh variant)
mptscsih_info (9)    - Return information about MPT adapter
mptscsih_info_scsiio (9) - debug print info on reply frame
mptscsih_IssueTaskMgmt (9) - Generic send Task Management function.
mptscsih_qcmd (9)    - Primary Fusion MPT SCSI initiator IO start routine.
mptscsih_set_scsi_lookup (9) - write a scmd entry into the ScsiLookup[] array...
mptscsih_synchronize_cache (9) - Send SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE to all disks.
mptscsih_taskmgmt_complete (9) - Registered with Fusion MPT base driver
mptspi_init (9)      - Register MPT adapter(s) as SCSI host(s) with SCSI mid-...
mq_close (3)         - close a message queue descriptor
mysqld_safe (1)      - MySQL server startup script
nand_create_badblock_pattern (9) - [INTERN] Creates a BBT descriptor structure
nand_scan (9)        - [NAND Interface] Scan for the NAND device
nand_scan_bbt (9)    - [NAND Interface] scan, find, read and maybe create bad...
nand_scan_ident (9)  - [NAND Interface] Scan for the NAND device
nand_scan_tail (9)   - [NAND Interface] Scan for the NAND device
napi_enable (9)      - enable NAPI scheduling
napi_schedule (9)    - schedule NAPI poll
napi_schedule_irqoff (9) - schedule NAPI poll
napi_schedule_prep (9) - check if NAPI can be scheduled
nawk (1)             - pattern scanning and processing language
ncftpbookmarks (1)   - full screen bookmarks editor for ncftp
ncftpget (1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpls (1)          - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpput (1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncurses5-config (1)  - helper script for ncurses libraries
ncursesw5-config (1) - helper script for ncurses libraries
neqn (1)             - format equations for ascii output
nfsservctl (2)       - syscall interface to kernel nfs daemon
nginx (1)            - small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
nice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority
node (1)             - Server-side JavaScript
nodejs (1)           - Server-side JavaScript
nseq (1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
pam_misc_drop_env (3) - liberating a locally saved environment
pam_misc_paste_env (3) - transcribing an environment to that of PAM
pam_misc_setenv (3)  - BSD like PAM environment variable setting
pam_permit (8)       - The promiscuous module
pam_strerror (3)     - return string describing PAM error code
pci_rescan_bus (9)   - scan a PCI bus for devices.
pci_reset_function (9) - quiesce and reset a PCI device function
pci_scan_slot (9)    - scan a PCI slot on a bus for devices.
pci_try_reset_function (9) - quiesce and reset a PCI device function
pdftops (1)          - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter...
peekfd (1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
PEM_read_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_read_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_bio_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
PEM_write_NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE (3ssl) - PEM routines
perldsc (1)          - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
PerlIO::scalar (3perl) - in-memory IO, scalar IO
perlrebackslash (1)  - Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
perlreguts (1)       - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perlriscos (1)       - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
pg_dump (1)          - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or ot...
pg_dumpall (1)       - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_lsclusters (1)    - show information about all PostgreSQL clusters
phy_change (9)       - Scheduled by the phy_interrupt/timer to handle PHY cha...
phy_disconnect (9)   - disable interrupts, stop state machine, and detach a P...
pod2readme (1p)      - script to convert POD to README file
pod2text (1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Escapes (3perl) - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
Pod::Perldoc::ToANSI (3perl) - render Pod with ANSI color escapes
Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm (3perl) - render Pod with terminal escapes
Pod::PlainText (3perl) - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text (3perl)    - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text::Color (3perl) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
Pod::Text::Termcap (3perl) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
poll (2)             - wait for some event on a file descriptor
postscreen (8postfix) - Postfix zombie blocker
ppoll (2)            - wait for some event on a file descriptor
pread (2)            - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pread64 (2)          - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
preempt_notifier_register (9) - tell me when current is being preempted & res...
preempt_schedule_notrace (9) - preempt_schedule called by tracing
proc_dostring (9)    - read a string sysctl
proc_print_scsidevice (9) - return data about this host
proc_scsi_open (9)   - glue function
proc_scsi_write (9)  - handle writes to /proc/scsi/scsi
procmailsc (5)       - procmail weighted scoring technique
pthread_attr_getinheritsched (3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_getschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_getscope (3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_attr_setinheritsched (3) - set/get inherit-scheduler attribute in thr...
pthread_attr_setschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling parameter attributes in t...
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (3) - set/get scheduling policy attribute in thre...
pthread_attr_setscope (3) - set/get contention scope attribute in thread attr...
pthread_getschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_setschedparam (3) - set/get scheduling policy and parameters of a thread
pthread_setschedprio (3) - set scheduling priority of a thread
ptrace_trap_notify (9) - schedule trap to notify ptracer
pure-ftpd-control (8) - invokes init script for installed Pure-FTPd flavour
pure-uploadscript (8) - Automatically run an external program after a success...
pvscan (8)           - scan all disks for physical volumes
pwrite (2)           - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwrite64 (2)         - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
RAND_screen (3ssl)   - add entropy to the PRNG
rawmemchr (3)        - scan memory for a character
rcS (5)              - variables that affect the behavior of boot scripts
rcu_barrier_sched (9) - Wait for in-flight call_rcu_sched callbacks.
rcu_read_lock_sched_held (9) - might we be in RCU-sched read-side critical se...
rdoc (1)             - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
rdoc2.1 (1)          - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
read (2)             - read from a file descriptor
reciprocal_scale (9) - "scale" a value into range [0, ep_ro)
recode-sr-latin (1)  - convert Serbian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
Regexp::Common::whitespace (3pm) - - provides a regex for leading or trailing...
register_syscore_ops (9) - Register a set of system core operations.
reiserfsck (8)       - The checking tool for the ReiserFS filesystem.
restart_syscall (2)  - restart a system call after interruption by a stop signal
rhino (1)            - invokes the JavaScript shell for running scripts in ba...
rhino-debugger (1)   - invokes the rhino JavaScript debugger GUI
rhino-jsc (1)        - invokes the rhino JavaScript compiler
RIO_DEVICE (9)       - macro used to describe a specific RIO device
rio_disc_mport (9)   - Start discovery through a master port
rio_disc_peer (9)    - Recursively discovers a RIO network through a master port
rio_mport_scan (9)   - execute enumeration/discovery on the specified mport
rio_register_scan (9) - enumeration/discovery method registration interface
rio_unregister_scan (9) - removes enumeration/discovery method from mport
rpc_localaddr (9)    - discover local endpoint address for an RPC client
ruby (1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
ruby2.1 (1)          - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
run-parts (8)        - run scripts or programs in a directory
run-with-aspell (1)  - script to help use GNU Aspell as an ispell replacement
sa-check_spamd (1)   - spamd monitoring script for use with Nagios, etc.
sas_remove_host (9)  - tear down a Scsi_Host's SAS data structures
sata_link_scr_lpm (9) - manipulate SControl IPM and SPM fields
sata_scr_read (9)    - read SCR register of the specified port
sata_scr_valid (9)   - test whether SCRs are accessible
sata_scr_write (9)   - write SCR register of the specified port
sata_scr_write_flush (9) - write SCR register of the specified port and flush
scache (8postfix)    - Postfix shared connection cache server
Scalar::Util (3perl) - A selection of general-utility scalar subroutines
scalb (3)            - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbf (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbl (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbln (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnf (3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnl (3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbn (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnf (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnl (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scan_read_oob (9)    - [GENERIC] Scan data+OOB region to buffer
scandir (3)          - scan a directory for matching entries
scandirat (3)        - scan a directory for matching entries
scanf (3)            - input format conversion
sched (7)            - overview of scheduling APIs
sched_get_priority_max (2) - get static priority range
sched_get_priority_min (2) - get static priority range
sched_getaffinity (2) - set and get a thread's CPU affinity mask
sched_getattr (2)    - set and get scheduling policy and attributes
sched_getcpu (3)     - determine CPU on which the calling thread is running
sched_getparam (2)   - set and get scheduling parameters
sched_getscheduler (2) - set and get scheduling policy/parameters
sched_rr_get_interval (2) - get the SCHED_RR interval for the named process
sched_setaffinity (2) - set and get a thread's CPU affinity mask
sched_setattr (2)    - set and get scheduling policy and attributes
sched_setparam (2)   - set and get scheduling parameters
sched_setscheduler (2) - set and get scheduling policy/parameters
sched_setscheduler (9) - change the scheduling policy and/or RT priority of a...
sched_setscheduler_nocheck (9) - change the scheduling policy and/or RT prior...
sched_yield (2)      - yield the processor
schedule_delayed_work (9) - put work task in global workqueue after delay
schedule_delayed_work_on (9) - queue work in global workqueue on CPU after delay
schedule_hrtimeout (9) - sleep until timeout
schedule_hrtimeout_range (9) - sleep until timeout
schedule_timeout (9) - sleep until timeout
schedule_work (9)    - put work task in global workqueue
schedule_work_on (9) - put work task on a specific cpu
scnprintf (9)        - Format a string and place it in a buffer
scp (1)              - secure copy (remote file copy program)
SCPNT_TO_LOOKUP_IDX (9) - searches for a given scmd in the ScsiLookup[] array...
screen (1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
screendump (1)       - dump the contents of a virtual console to stdout
script (1)           - make typescript of terminal session
scriptreplay (1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
scsi_10_lba_len (9)  - Get LBA and transfer length
scsi_16_lba_len (9)  - Get LBA and transfer length
scsi_6_lba_len (9)   - Get LBA and transfer length
scsi_add_host_with_dma (9) - add a scsi host with dma device
scsi_add_lun (9)     - allocate and fully initialze a scsi_device
scsi_add_single_device (9) - Respond to user request to probe for/add device
scsi_alloc_sdev (9)  - allocate and setup a scsi_Device
scsi_alloc_target (9) - allocate a new or find an existing target
scsi_bios_ptable (9) - Read PC partition table out of first sector of device.
scsi_block_when_processing_errors (9) - Prevent cmds from being queued.
scsi_change_queue_depth (9) - change a device's queue depth
scsi_check_sense (9) - Examine scsi cmd sense
scsi_cmd_get_serial (9) - Assign a serial number to a command
scsi_complete_async_scans (9) - Wait for asynchronous scans to complete
scsi_dev_info_list_add (9) - add one dev_info list entry.
scsi_dev_info_list_add_str (9) - parse dev_list and add to the scsi_dev_info_...
scsi_dev_info_list_find (9) - find a matching dev_info list entry.
scsi_device_get (9)  - get an additional reference to a scsi_device
scsi_device_lookup (9) - find a device given the host
scsi_device_lookup_by_target (9) - find a device given the target
scsi_device_put (9)  - release a reference to a scsi_device
scsi_device_quiesce (9) - Block user issued commands.
scsi_device_resume (9) - Restart user issued commands to a quiesced device.
scsi_device_set_state (9) - Take the given device through the device state mo...
scsi_device_supports_vpd (9) - test if a device supports VPD pages
scsi_dma_map (9)     - perform DMA mapping against command's sg lists
scsi_dma_unmap (9)   - unmap command's sg lists mapped by scsi_dma_map
scsi_eh_finish_cmd (9) - Handle a cmd that eh is finished with.
scsi_eh_flush_done_q (9) - finish processed commands or retry them.
scsi_eh_get_sense (9) - Get device sense data.
scsi_eh_prep_cmnd (9) - Save a scsi command info as part of error recovery
scsi_eh_ready_devs (9) - check device ready state and recover if not.
scsi_eh_restore_cmnd (9) - Restore a scsi command info as part of error recovery
scsi_execute (9)     - insert request and wait for the result
scsi_exit_devinfo (9) - remove /proc/scsi/device_info & the scsi_dev_info_list
scsi_exit_procfs (9) - Remove scsi/scsi and scsi from procfs
scsi_finish_async_scan (9) - asynchronous scan has finished
scsi_flush_work (9)  - Flush a Scsi_Host's workqueue.
scsi_get_device_flags (9) - get device specific flags from the dynamic device...
scsi_get_sense_info_fld (9) - get information field from sense data (either f...
scsi_get_vpd_page (9) - Get Vital Product Data from a SCSI device
scsi_host_alloc (9)  - register a scsi host adapter instance.
scsi_host_get (9)    - inc a Scsi_Host ref count
scsi_host_lookup (9) - get a reference to a Scsi_Host by host no
scsi_host_put (9)    - dec a Scsi_Host ref count
scsi_host_set_state (9) - Take the given host through the host state model.
scsi_init_devinfo (9) - set up the dynamic device list.
scsi_init_procfs (9) - create scsi and scsi/scsi in procfs
scsi_inq_str (9)     - print INQUIRY data from min to max index, strip traili...
scsi_internal_device_block (9) - internal function to put a device temporaril...
scsi_internal_device_unblock (9) - resume a device after a block request
scsi_ioctl (9)       - Dispatch ioctl to scsi device
scsi_ioctl_reset (9) - (unknown subject)
scsi_is_sas_phy (9)  - check if a struct device represents a SAS PHY
scsi_is_sas_port (9) - check if a struct device represents a SAS port
scsi_is_sas_rphy (9) - check if a struct device represents a SAS remote PHY
scsi_kmap_atomic_sg (9) - find and atomically map an sg-elemnt
scsi_kunmap_atomic_sg (9) - atomically unmap a virtual address, previously ma...
scsi_mode_select (9) - issue a mode select
scsi_mode_sense (9)  - issue a mode sense, falling back from 10 to six bytes ...
scsi_netlink_exit (9) - Called by SCSI subsystem to disable the SCSI transpor...
scsi_netlink_init (9) - Called by SCSI subsystem to initialize the SCSI trans...
scsi_nl_rcv_msg (9)  - Receive message handler.
scsi_partsize (9)    - Parse cylinders/heads/sectors from PC partition table
scsi_prep_async_scan (9) - prepare for an async scan
scsi_probe_and_add_lun (9) - probe a LUN, if a LUN is found add it
scsi_probe_lun (9)   - probe a single LUN using a SCSI INQUIRY
scsi_proc_host_add (9) - Add entry for this host to appropriate /proc dir
scsi_proc_host_rm (9) - remove this host's entry from /proc
scsi_proc_hostdir_add (9) - Create directory in /proc for a scsi host
scsi_proc_hostdir_rm (9) - remove directory in /proc for a scsi host
scsi_queue_work (9)  - Queue work to the Scsi_Host workqueue.
scsi_remove_device (9) - unregister a device from the scsi bus
scsi_remove_host (9) - remove a scsi host
scsi_remove_single_device (9) - Respond to user request to remove a device
scsi_remove_target (9) - try to remove a target and all its devices
scsi_report_lun_scan (9) - Scan using SCSI REPORT LUN results
scsi_report_opcode (9) - Find out if a given command opcode is supported
scsi_schedule_eh (9) - schedule EH for SCSI host
scsi_sequential_lun_scan (9) - sequentially scan a SCSI target
scsi_target_reap (9) - check to see if target is in use and destroy if not
scsi_target_reap_ref_release (9) - remove target from visibility
scsi_test_unit_ready (9) - test if unit is ready
scsi_track_queue_full (9) - track QUEUE_FULL events to adjust queue depth
scsi_unlock_floptical (9) - unlock device via a special MODE SENSE command
scsi_vpd_lun_id (9)  - return a unique device identification
scsicam_bios_param (9) - Determine geometry of a disk in cylinders/heads/sect...
sctp_darn (1)        - Send and receive messages via SCTP
sctp_test (1)        - Send and receive messages via SCTP
sd (4)               - driver for SCSI disk drives
sdev_evt_alloc (9)   - allocate a new scsi event
search_bbt (9)       - [GENERIC] scan the device for a specific bad block table
search_read_bbts (9) - [GENERIC] scan the device for bad block table(s)
selinux_usersconf_path (3) - These functions return the paths to the active S...
sendfile (2)         - transfer data between file descriptors
sendfile64 (2)       - transfer data between file descriptors
seq_escape (9)       - print string into buffer, escaping some characters
service (8)          - run a System V init script
setfont (8)          - load EGA/VGA console screen font
setfscreatecon (3)   - get or set the SELinux security context used for creat...
setfscreatecon_raw (3) - get or set the SELinux security context used for cre...
setkeycodes (8)      - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
setmntent (3)        - get filesystem descriptor file entry
setpriority (2)      - get/set program scheduling priority
setvesablank (8)     - Turn VESA screen blanking on or off
shcomp (1)           - compile a ksh93 shell script
shellcheck (1)       - analyse shell scripts
showconsolefont (8)  - Show the current EGA/VGA console screen font
shtool-scpp (1)      - GNU shtool C source file pre-processor
shtoolize (1)        - Build individual GNU shtool scripts
signalfd (2)         - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4 (2)        - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
skb_fill_page_desc (9) - initialise a paged fragment in an skb
skb_scrub_packet (9) - scrub an skb
skb_try_coalesce (9) - try to merge skb to prior one
slapd-ldbm (5)       - Discontinued LDBM backend to slapd
slapdn (8)           - Check a list of string-represented LDAP DNs based on s...
slapschema (8)       - SLAPD in-database schema checking utility
slsh (1)             - interperter for S-Lang scripts
smbtar (1)           - shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly t...
snd_card_disconnect (9) - disconnect all APIs from the file-operations (user ...
snd_card_free_when_closed (9) - Disconnect the card, free it later eventually
snd_device_disconnect (9) - disconnect the device
snd_soc_codec_set_sysclk (9) - configure CODEC system or master clock.
snd_soc_dai_set_sysclk (9) - configure DAI system or master clock.
snd_soc_dapm_sync (9) - scan and power dapm paths
snd_soc_dapm_sync_unlocked (9) - scan and power dapm paths
snd_soc_jack_add_gpiods (9) - Associate GPIO descriptor pins with an ASoC jack
spamassassin-run (1p) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (3pm) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
sparse_keymap_entry_from_scancode (9) - perform sparse keymap lookup
sparse_keymap_report_event (9) - report event corresponding to given scancode
SPI_finish (3)       - disconnect a C function from the SPI manager
spi_schedule_dv_device (9) - schedule domain validation to occur on the device
SPI_scroll_cursor_fetch (3) - fetch some rows from a cursor
SPI_scroll_cursor_move (3) - move a cursor
srp_remove_host (9)  - tear down a Scsi_Host's SRP data structures
sscanf (3)           - input format conversion
sscanf (9)           - Unformat a buffer into a list of arguments
ssh-keyscan (1)      - gather ssh public keys
SSL_alert_desc_string (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_desc_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_alert_type_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of alert information
SSL_CIPHER_description (3ssl) - get SSL_CIPHER properties
SSL_get_fd (3ssl)    - get file descriptor linked to an SSL object
SSL_rstate_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object ...
SSL_rstate_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL ob...
SSL_set_fd (3ssl)    - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor
SSL_state_string (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
SSL_state_string_long (3ssl) - get textual description of state of an SSL object
st (4)               - SCSI tape device
startpar (8)         - start runlevel scripts in parallel
strerror (3)         - return string describing error number
strerror_r (3)       - return string describing error number
strip (1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
strscpy (9)          - Copy a C-string into a sized buffer
strsignal (3)        - return string describing signal
strtod (3)           - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtof (3)           - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
strtold (3)          - convert ASCII string to floating-point number
struct_cfg80211_bss (9) - BSS description
struct_cfg80211_ops (9) - backend description for wireless configuration
struct_cfg80211_scan_request (9) - scan request description
struct_cfg80211_ssid (9) - SSID description
struct_debug_obj_descr (9) - object type specific debug description structure
struct_hsi_msg (9)   - HSI message descriptor
struct_i2c_adapter_quirks (9) - describe flaws of an i2c adapter
struct_ieee80211_tpt_blink (9) - throughput blink description
struct_irq_chip (9)  - hardware interrupt chip descriptor
struct_irqaction (9) - per interrupt action descriptor
struct_kgdb_arch (9) - Describe architecture specific values.
struct_kgdb_io (9)   - Describe the interface for an I/O driver to talk with ...
struct_regulator_config (9) - Dynamic regulator descriptor
struct_regulator_desc (9) - Static regulator descriptor
struct_rio_scan (9)  - RIO enumeration and discovery operations
struct_rio_scan_node (9) - list node to register RapidIO enumeration and disc...
struct_snd_compr_avail (9) - avail descriptor
struct_snd_compr_caps (9) - caps descriptor
struct_snd_compr_tstamp (9) - timestamp descriptor
struct_snd_soc_jack_gpio (9) - Describes a gpio pin for jack detection
struct_snd_soc_jack_pin (9) - Describes a pin to update based on jack detection
struct_snd_soc_jack_zone (9) - Describes voltage zones of jack detection
struct_spi_replaced_transfers (9) - structure describing the spi_transfer rep...
struct_uio_mem (9)   - description of a UIO memory region
struct_uio_port (9)  - description of a UIO port region
struct_usb_ep_caps (9) - endpoint capabilities description
struct_usb_function (9) - describes one function of a configuration
struct_usb_host_endpoint (9) - host-side endpoint descriptor and queue
struct_usb_os_desc (9) - describes OS descriptors associated with one interface
struct_usb_os_desc_ext_prop (9) - describes one “Extended Property”
struct_usb_os_desc_table (9) - describes OS descriptors associated with one i...
struct_usb_request (9) - describes one i/o request
struct_usb_sg_request (9) - support for scatter/gather I/O
struct_vif_params (9) - describes virtual interface parameters
struct_wiphy (9)     - wireless hardware description
strverscmp (3)       - compare two version strings
svscan (8)           - starts and monitors a collection of services
svscanboot (8)       - starts svscan (8) in the /service directory, with outp...
synchronize_sched (9) - wait until an rcu-sched grace period has elapsed.
Sys::Syscall (3pm)   - access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide...
sys_restart_syscall (9) - restart a system call
syscall (2)          - indirect system call
syscalls (2)         - Linux system calls
sysconf (3)          - get configuration information at run time
syscore_resume (9)   - Execute all the registered system core resume callbacks.
syscore_suspend (9)  - Execute all the registered system core suspend callbacks.
sysctl (2)           - read/write system parameters
sysctl (8)           - configure kernel parameters at runtime
sysctl.conf (5)      - sysctl preload/configuration file
sysctl.d (5)         - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-escape (1)   - Escape strings for usage in system unit names
systemd-fsck (8)     - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck-root.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck@.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-gpt-auto-generator (8) - Generator for automatically discovering and ...
systemd-run (1)      - Run programs in transient scope or service units
systemd-shutdownd (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.service (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-shutdownd.socket (8) - Scheduled shutdown service
systemd-sysctl (8)   - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd-sysctl.service (8) - Configure kernel parameters at boot
systemd.scope (5)    - Scope unit configuration
TAP::Formatter::Color (3perl) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP::Harness (3perl) - Run test scripts with statistics
TAP::Parser::Scheduler (3perl) - Schedule tests during parallel testing
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job (3perl) - A single testing job.
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner (3perl) - A no-op job.
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP (3perl) - Stream output from raw TAP in a ...
tc-choke (8)         - choose and keep scheduler
tc-drr (8)           - deficit round robin scheduler
tc-hfsc (7)          - Hierarchical Fair Service Curve
tc-mqprio (8)        - Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware QOS)
tc-prio (8)          - Priority qdisc
tcprulescheck (1)    - checks tcprules
Term::ANSIColor (3perl) - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
Term::ExtendedColor (3pm) - Color screen output using 256 colors
Test::Harness (3perl) - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Test::More (3perl)   - yet another framework for writing test scripts
tic (1)              - the terminfo entry-description compiler
Tie::Scalar (3perl)  - base class definitions for tied scalars
Time::Zone (3pm)     - - miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines
timerfd_create (2)   - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
toascii (3)          - convert character to ASCII
Types::Standard::ScalarRef (3pm) - internals for the Types::Standard ScalarRe...
ualarm (3)           - schedule signal after given number of microseconds
unregister_syscore_ops (9) - Unregister a set of system core operations.
update-icon-caches (8) - Update wrapper script for the icon caches
update-rc.d (8)      - install and remove System-V style init script links
update_sd_lb_stats (9) - Update sched_domain's statistics for load balancing.
update_sg_lb_stats (9) - Update sched_group's statistics for load balancing.
URI::Escape (3pm)    - Percent-encode and percent-decode unsafe characters
usb_buffer_dmasync_sg (9) - synchronize DMA and CPU view of scatterlist buffe...
usb_buffer_map_sg (9) - create scatterlist DMA mapping(s) for an endpoint
usb_buffer_unmap_sg (9) - free DMA mapping(s) for a scatterlist
usb_copy_descriptors (9) - copy a vector of USB descriptors
usb_descriptor_fillbuf (9) - fill buffer with descriptors
USB_DEVICE (9)       - macro used to describe a specific usb device
USB_DEVICE_AND_INTERFACE_INFO (9) - describe a specific usb device with a cla...
USB_DEVICE_INFO (9)  - macro used to describe a class of usb devices
USB_DEVICE_INTERFACE_CLASS (9) - describe a usb device with a specific interf...
USB_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NUMBER (9) - describe a usb device with a specific inter...
USB_DEVICE_INTERFACE_PROTOCOL (9) - describe a usb device with a specific int...
USB_DEVICE_VER (9)   - describe a specific usb device with a version range
usb_free_descriptors (9) - free descriptors returned by usb_copy_descriptors
usb_gadget_config_buf (9) - builts a complete configuration descriptor
usb_gadget_get_string (9) - fill out a string descriptor
usb_get_descriptor (9) - issues a generic GET_DESCRIPTOR request
USB_INTERFACE_INFO (9) - macro used to describe a class of usb interfaces
usb_scuttle_anchored_urbs (9) - unanchor all an anchor's urbs
usb_sg_cancel (9)    - stop scatter/gather i/o issued by usb_sg_wait
usb_sg_init (9)      - initializes scatterlist-based bulk/interrupt I/O request
usb_sg_wait (9)      - synchronously execute scatter/gather request
usb_string (9)       - returns UTF-8 version of a string descriptor
usb_urb_dir_in (9)   - check if an URB describes an IN transfer
usb_urb_dir_out (9)  - check if an URB describes an OUT transfer
USB_VENDOR_AND_INTERFACE_INFO (9) - describe a specific usb vendor with a cla...
User::Identity::Collection::Systems (3pm) - a collection of system descriptions
utf-8 (7)            - an ASCII compatible multibyte Unicode encoding
utf8 (7)             - an ASCII compatible multibyte Unicode encoding
vcstime (8)          - Show time in upper right hand corner of the console sc...
vdprintf (3)         - print to a file descriptor
verify_bbt_descr (9) - verify the bad block description
versionsort (3)      - scan a directory for matching entries
vfscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vgcfgbackup (8)      - backup volume group descriptor area
vgcfgrestore (8)     - restore volume group descriptor area
vgscan (8)           - scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches
vorbiscomment (1)    - List or edit comments in Ogg Vorbis files
vscanf (3)           - input format conversion
vscnprintf (9)       - Format a string and place it in a buffer
vsscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vsscanf (9)          - Unformat a buffer into a list of arguments
watch (1)            - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
wcscasecmp (3)       - compare two wide-character strings, ignoring case
wcscat (3)           - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcschr (3)           - search a wide character in a wide-character string
wcscmp (3)           - compare two wide-character strings
wcscpy (3)           - copy a wide-character string
wcscspn (3)          - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wid...
whatis (1)           - display one-line manual page descriptions
whiptail (1)         - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
withsctp (1)         - Run TCP binaries over SCTP
wngroups (7WN)       - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar ver...
wnintro (5WN)        - introduction to descriptions of WordNet file formats
wnintro (7WN)        - introduction to miscellaneous WordNet information
wnpkgs (7WN)         - description of various WordNet system packages
write (2)            - write to a file descriptor
write_zsctrl (9)     - Write to a Z8530 control register
X11::Protocol::Ext::XC_MISC (3pm) - Perl module for the X11 Protocol XC-MISC ...
X11::Protocol::Ext::XFree86_Misc (3pm) - Perl module for the XFree86 Misc Ext...
X509_verify_cert (3ssl) - discover and verify X509 certificte chain
x86_64-linux-gnu-strip (1) - Discard symbols from object files.
xdg-mime (1)         - command line tool for querying information about file ...
xdg-screensaver (1)  - command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xdr_set_scratch_buffer (9) - Attach a scratch buffer for decoding data.
xkeyboard-config (7) - XKB data description files
xlsclients (1)       - list client applications running on a display
xml2-config (1)      - script to get information about the installed version ...
xprt_disconnect_done (9) - mark a transport as disconnected
xrefresh (1)         - refresh all or part of an X screen
z8530_describe (9)   - Uniformly describe a Z8530 port
z8530_null_rx (9)    - Discard a packet
zshmisc (1)          - everything and then some

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